I'm probly way out of my league..... Hi everyone. First I'd like to say that you guys are really great, you I've been searching this site for hours looking for what I think might be my motherboard (I didn't find it...lol) and there have literally been thousands of people that you have helped out. So thank you in advance if you can help me too. Also, I'm definitely a noob here. I didn't even know what slic 2.0 and 2.1 was until earlier tonight. I apologies if I don't post the correct information but I am going to try. I have an Asus CG5290 that I want to upgrade to 7. I'm running Vista 64 rt. now and I guess I have to change mod my bios from slic 2.0 to 2.1 so here is what I'm hoping you are looking for: Make and model: Asustek Computer inc, CG5290.... Look, I have the rw program and I even have CPU-Z for what it's worth. I've tried attaching the file I've saved to my desk top but I'm either very tired or I can't find the proper attach button. Every time I try to upload it it tells me the file isn't supported (it's a .rw file). If someone can help me out.. please... I'd really appreciate it.
Thank you so much!!! Now lets just hope I don't brick (or in the case of the cg5290... cinder block) my machine lol.