i will try... btw the oem command to update uses also the /K should i be using that with /X? i.e. afudos P170HM10.ls3 /P /B /N /K /X /shutdown %1 %2 %3 %4
Usage (applies to AFUWIN, AFUDOS, AFUEFI and AFUEFI64... for usage of AFUBSD and AFULNX see help files provided in their folders): ------------------------------------------------------------------ AFUDOS <BIOS ROM File Name> [Option 1] [Option 2] Or AFUDOS <Input or Output File Name> <Command> Or AFUDOS <Command> BIOS ROM File Name The mandatory field is used to specify path/filename of the BIOS ROM file with extension. Commands The mandatory field is used to select an operation mode. - /OSave current ROM image to file - /UGet and display ROM ID from BIOS ROM file - /SRefer to Option: /S - /DVerification test of given ROM File without flashing BIOS. - /ARefer to Option: /A - /CLNEVNLOG Refer to Option: /CLNEVNLOG Options The optional field used to supply more information for flashing BIOS ROM. Following lists the supported optional parameters and format: - /PProgram main bios image - /BProgram Boot Block - /NProgram NVRAM - /EProgram Embedded Controller block if present - /KProgram all non-critical blocks and ROM Holes - /KnProgram n'th non-critical block or ROM Hole only (0>= n <=7) - /QQuiet mode enable - /REBOOTReboot after update BIOS done - /XDo not check ROM ID - /SDisplay current system's BIOS ROM ID - /RPreserve all SMBIOS structures during programming. - /RnPreserve SMBIOS type N during programming. - /ECUFUpdate EC BIOS when newer version is detected. - /Shutdown Shutdown after programming. - /HOLE: Upate sepcific ROM Hole according to RomHole GUID. - /HOLEOUT: Save specific ROM Hole according to given GUID. - /SP Preserve Setup setting. - /ECProgram Embedded Controller Block.(Flash Type) - /MEUFProgram ME Ignition Firmware Block. - /MEProgram ME Entire Firmware Block.(only support DOS and WinPE platform) - /CAF Compare ROM file's data with Systems is different or not, if not then cancel related update. - /AOem Activation file. - /CLNEVNLOG Clear Event Log. Rules - Any parameter encolsed by < > is a mandatory field. - Any parameter enclosed by [ ] is an optional field. - <Commands> cannot co-exist with any [Options]. - Main BIOS image is default flashing area if no any option present. - [/REBOOT], [/X], and [/S] will enable [/P] function automatically. - If [/B] present alone, there is only the Boot Block area to be updated. - If [/N] present alone, there is only the NVRAM area to be updated. - If [/E] present alone, there is only the Embedded Controller block to be updated.
From AFUDOS v2.11/2.29ES/2.36ES/2.38/2.41 (EX editor used): Usage: afudos /i<ROM filename> [/o<save ROM filename>]