There's no floppy port, and I'm not getting a read light on the USB stick. I'm using the ctrl+home combo, depressed before the pc is turned on. Then I turn it on, hums for about 20 seconds, and restarts itself. No output on the VGA port.
correct BIOSMOD.EXE = biosfile + afudos + cmd clicK P8Z68-V-PRO-GEN3-ASUS-0402_PERMANENT_USB-STICK.exe, - create USB-Stick, boot to DOS, command BIOSMOD
It's strange... all Biostar mobo UEFI bioses were modded via SSv2 method successfully. How do you flashed the mod ? Original and after reboot modified ? (I ask as on your Slictoolkit's screen bios dated 07/19/2011 as B23 bios dated 11/23/2011 ) try this recovery: