I have a question on this one. The mod is done with a floppy creation utility. Is there anyway around that I tryed to decompress it with 7 zip but failed. Gonna try winrar to see it any diffrence. but Both machines dont have floppys installed. LOL i didnt even think anyone still used or had floppys.
Think i posted in wrong spot. This is a floppy utility. Both machines dont have floppys any way around?
Sorry all but I'll answer him in Italian, it's easier for me... ;-) Col SSV1 ma credo che c'entri poco. Penso sia stato un errore mio dato che ho aggiornato da Bios (non funzionava nemmeno con SSV1) e non con AWARDFLASH (come avevi scritto).
Hi Tito, It all works fine ! (Asus F7F203AS slic 2.1 mod) I used the internal flasher (F4 on startup) and it works like a charm ! Thank You 1000 times !!!! Greetings, PvL