Sorry I got the AUTOXEC.BAT. But the AUTOEXEC.BAT is supposed to launch ORIGINAL.EXE, which is not in the RAR file
@Akcent I'm trying to understand what could have gone wrong and if I still have a chance to recover my Mobo. So I analyzed your modded BIOS. It is weird that your modded BIOS was supposed to contain a DELL cert but it does NOT. No DELL string anywhere in your ROM file! Serg008 proposals however all contained a DELL string. Can you explain what tool you used to mod the BIOS and what you have tried? In a post that you deleted, you mentionned something about a possible black hole in the BIOS and some code at F0. What is that?
The program "MMTooL" incorrectly replaced the modified module "1B" and as a result incorrectly completed assembly of the final file. Corrupted boot block - the result of improper flashing. The key /B should be excluded from the process of flashing