For ASUS Maximus V Gene is says in the pdf's that come along with the 0903 bios file that you have rename the file to M5G.CAP. So I don't understand why I was told to rename it to APTC020.ROM ? I tried everything, but it won't take the bios file. Only when I renamed it to M5G.CAP did it update the BIOS via ROG connect. The bios works fine, but no activation... Is there something I'm missing here, because I don't understand
Hey akcent, I tried your .cap file, it loaded and updated the BIOS, but still no activation. Do I need to do anything else? I downloaded the SLIC Toolkit but am not sure what to look for there.
thanks for the fast reply, but i have a problem...the netbook wont allow me to flash the bios...i get to the point where the bios is reading the file, and nothing more happens...also tried to download original bios from web, but none of them flashes :/ will try via desktop flash utility to flash original and then reflash via dos...