1. seven20p

    seven20p MDL Novice

    Mar 29, 2009
    if it comes shipped with a05. then just flash with afuwin?
    If correct, what is the flash syntax from command line?
    I surely didnt expect this quick of a response. Talk about over-delivery.
    I assume that Slic21 will not affect win8 preactivation should they want to revert?

    The 660 is a very popular little desktop right now since dell just blew them out for under 400 in the states with coupons. 3rd gen i5, 2tb, gt620, 8gb , burner, talk is cheap :)
  2. Serg008

    Serg008 MDL BIOS/EFI Guru

    Feb 23, 2010
    afuwin.exe MSKA05.BIN /p /n /k
    (rename MSK-A05_Dell21.BIN to MSKA05.BIN before)
    Don't know. I assume that the modified bios will not be flashed due to the Security check embedded to the bios.
    As you have Win8 pre-installed that Slic 2.1 should be active in the your bios.
    Before the mod flashing go to the bios and Disable the Secure Boot option, then boot from any LiveCD and check Slic with Slictoolkit.
  3. Evrika

    Evrika MDL Novice

    Dec 26, 2011
    Dear 555LE or anyone else!
    Can you reupload ASRock 870icafe R2.0 (AA87U-10) 1.70 ?