I don't know how you did it but GREAT Many thanks Bought this damn thing with win 8 Rolled back to win 7 Thanks thanks if you dont mind me asking what tool did you use
a simple google search begets that it may be necessary to have the flash tool ignore ROM ID to get it to flash. That being said, flash at your own risk.
Hi, i need please a Bios Mod Manufacturer: Asrock Model: Z77 Extreme 4 Version: 2.70 Bios Type: UEFI SLIC: 2.1 Link: europe.asrock.com/downloadsite/bios/1155/Z77%20Extreme4(2.70)ROM.zip Thanks Patrick
Believe me I have googled enough, before posting my problem here. I have tried the option to ignore ROM ID anyway, but it is the same. This is because the ROM ID has nothing to do with the ROM Hole error. It is just an ID for the bios rom file that should be the same with the Motherboard ID, so that afuwin knows that particular rom was designed for that motherboard you are trying to flash. I've googled more and finally found out what ROM Holes are. They are regions that facilitate posting of custom modules in the BIOS, a space usually designed for loading OEM custom code. Then I've used MMTool Aptio (for EFI ROMs) and once opened the original 990FX2.00 bios then the other SLIC modified rom 990FX2.00_SLIC that the PhoenixTool created (which generates the error at flash) , generated a report for both and compered the result. SLIC modded report showed 2 added GUID modules at the end of Main Bios region 173| |69009842-63F2-43DB-964B-EFAD1C39EC85|00278190|000104|FRFM| |174| |996AA1E0-1E8C-4F36-B519-A170A206FC14|00278298|0000F7|FRFM Then I also observed that when I load the non modified ROM with AFUWINGUI the rom hole checkboxes at the Setup tab are all grayed out but when I load the modified ROM, there are 2 unchecked boxes there. So I am pretty sure those 2 extra modules in the modified bios are recognized by AFUWINGUI as ROM Holes. Is this normal? Should I check those 2 Rom Hole boxes and go on with the flash? Also MMTool has a tab for adding RomHole files (1 to max of 16) but they do have specific specific GUID (different from those PhoenixTool added to the modded bios)