Please can someone upload fix bios for Asus K55A notebook I posted earlier yestarday Is there any hope? It came with Win8 activated I want to put Win8 Pro on it I am getting error that key entered is not for any images I am trying to install I can never pass that to enter any key Please Help Is there anyway to erase bios and flash modded one? Thank you
If I pull the hard drive from Asus K55A and put it in Win7 computer format and install wim8 pro this way will that work?? It should Only problem would be different drivers cause the other is Toshiba I am trying to put Audiophile Win8 on that Asus I think I will try that screw Micr....... Thanks guys Someone here maybe have image for that laptop and would like to share?
Thanks. After rebooting my computer, I'm getting following Error message: System Bios contains invalid data, Please update your system Bios. Press F1 to Continue Also, the Asus Logo from the Boot Screen is gone. Loading default settings does not change anything. Can you please try again?