Is the SLP string really necessary?? That part of the BIOS is RSA signed & thus you will get security verification error.
GA-Z87-ds3h Can some make this? -Motherboard Manufacturer and Model: Gigabyte Z87-ds3h v1.1 -Bios Revision: F1 -Bios Link: /FileList/BIOS/mb_bios_ga-z87-ds3h_f1.exe SLIC: gigabyte 2.1 /file/membyl <-RW file.
Yes, flashed. BIOS is without SLIC, DEL_SLIC.exe works great, thanks "" is a new bios - going to do with SLIC - but not permanent?
You've educated me, I wasn't aware of any RSA sig. Bummer! I don`t suppose there`s a way around it? Any editors designed to work with it? Thanks for your help on this.