So.. I downloaded 2 previously modded Z87-A Bios files, 1207 and 1504. And then I went to ASUS and downloaded the originals for 1207 and 1504. I ran both through the PhoenixTool 2.19 and then compared the resulting modded files with the ones mentioned first. A file compare showed some differences for both. around 500 bytes worth. I am reluctant to use either of the ones I generated through the tool in case it has disastrous consequences. If I had a replacement programmed BIOS chip I might be a bit more adventurous. This time, I'll stick with the proven "Pro-Modded" 1504.
There's certainly more than one way to skin a cat. I think you are making the right move. Once the Permanently Modded version is installed, then you can update using the standard Asus 1707 from their Web Site.
Hi nmm, I don't know how to identify the motherboard (please advise if required) but the Chipset is Intel Haswell Rev 06. The Southbridge is Intel H81 Rev 05. The LPCIO is Nuvoton NTC6779. Thanks for trying to help out
I was trying to avoid dismantling the Box as it's brand new and may have warranty implications. I was also expecting a software method to find it. I opened the case and the Motherboard is MS-7869 VER: 1.0. I think it's an MSI MB but can't find any data on it.