-Manufacturer: Gigabyte -Motherboard Model: ga-z77x-ud3h -Bios revision: rev 1.1 -Bios Type: UEFI? -Bios Download Link: download-gigabyte-us/FileList/BIOS/mb_bios_ga-z77x-ud3h_f20e.exe -RW Everything Report Download Link: www-mediafire-com/view/xeb5jlspc4j85p0/AcpiTbls.rwf20e please and thanks. since im new it won't let me post links. sorry for the inconvenience but just replace the - with periods.
Did you Flash it from DOS (Not a Dos Box in Windows) ? If not then do so. First rename 315SLIC.ROM to 315SLIC.BIN And then use this command: awdflash 315SLIC.BIN /cc/cd/cp/py/R
Looking for slic 2.1 -Manufacturer: ACER -Motherboard Model: Aspire M1100 (Also my bios says its an Aspire M5100 even though the case says M1100. ) -Bios revision: bios ID R01-A3 -Bios Type: AWARD BIOS -The current bios, supposed 'modded' bios (not sure if it is machine specific), rw everything tables and flash utility are on the following link http//w)ww.sendspace.com/filegroup/LwGhOqSrF5z0A1IJTNoV%2BL%2F49UWF6BrExpGxFcLYp2M (minus the parenthesis) thanks again for all your hard work guys