hi folks, i do not mean to bump in by any means, let sleeping dogs & scoundrels lie, for petes`sake.. but, with all due respect, allow me to point out that when you do things to achieve something in software or firmware, it is on the cards that one or two or umpteen of those virusscanners out there will start to scream false positives at you. all scanners are garbage, imho.. it has never bothered me here on this forum, and my pc has been virusfree for ages.and if we do not trust the work of the good people here, we would still be paying m$ through the nose for nothing.. ignore it..just my 2 cents..
flash MOD1, reboot, load Bios Defaults, boot to Windows, check Slic with Slictoolkit. In case of an error, try MOD2 (same procedure)