1. Serg008

    Serg008 MDL BIOS/EFI Guru

    Feb 23, 2010
    #55864 Serg008, Jan 19, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    not sure...
    cut first 200000h from X99EX41.60 and compare with x64_bios-region_9.1.2.1000.bin : they are not identical

    | Image Size : E00000   (x64_bios-region_9.1.2.1000.rpt)
    |  FV  |            FV TYPE            |   Location   |   Length  |    FFSs   |
    |  00  |          Non-FFS FV           |   00000000   |  040000   |    001    |
    |  01  |          Non-FFS FV           |   00040000   |  040000   |    001    |
    |  02  |          Non-FFS FV           |   00090000   |  B70000   |    517    |
    |  03  |          Non-FFS FV           |   00C00000   |  1FE000   |    071    |
    |  04  |          Boot Block FV        |   00DFE000   |  002000   |    002    |
    | Image Size : E00000      ( -200000h_X99EX41.rpt)
    |  FV  |            FV TYPE            |   Location   |   Length  |    FFSs   |
    |  00  |          Non-FFS FV           |   00000000   |  040000   |    001    |
    |  01  |          Non-FFS FV           |   00090000   |  B70000   |    517    |
    |  02  |          Non-FFS FV           |   00C00000   |  1FE000   |    071    |
    |  03  |          Boot Block FV        |   00DFE000   |  002000   |    002    |
  2. CodeRush

    CodeRush MDL Member

    Jun 20, 2011
    @akcent, thank you for your kind words, but I'm not working for AMI just for one of their clients and UEFITool development is started half a year before I found this job so it's not related to AMI in any way except it works on AptioV UEFIs.
    @Serg008, this additional firmware volume is a copy of the first volume where NVRAM is located. It will be created automatically after going into Setup first time.