Problem has solved. "AFUDOS.exe" file was corrupted. After I replace the corrupted with a new one, it worked. Thank you for your help.
I am trying to change MTM and Serial number in Lenovo Yoga 900. The AMI tools (I have tried AMIDEDOS, etc.) have not worked. Now I read that I may need something named LVAR64. Does anybody know where this is available? Or, if something else will work? PLEASE IGNORE. I GOT WHAT I NEEDED. Thanks
-Motherboard Manufacturer and Model : HM76 Combo -Bios Revision : 1 -Bios Type : AMI Aptio 4 UEFI -Bios SLIC : Dell Please disregard, was able to resolve.
Manufacturer: System76, Inc. -Motherboard Model: Gazelle Professional (U3E1) v.12 -Bios revision: 1.05.15RSA (01/15/2018) -Bios Type: American MegaTrends Inc. (AMI) BIOS -Bios Download Link: NO IDEA -RW Everything Report Download Link: attached