i don't know what i should do... I do have a usb programmer to rewrite the bios but I don't know what i should choice in the software for the cha34a black edition programmer software
its got vga but I flashed the VEGA Bios on it and switched the disabled by default graphics to onboard
it boots up with 6 short beeps indicating a 20 error code supposedly but i just don't know how to fix it or flash another rom from this one with no video out and it boots right up with the 6 short beeps so i don't know if a regular flash will work
yeah but even if i don't have a keyboard pluged in or i have a working keyboard pluged in it beeps with that bios mod
i tried creating a dos bootable flash drive and puting the orignal rom back on it but I cant find a scrypt to run to auto run the bios flasher
i habe spi bios usb programmer but I don't know how to work it, as in software wise.... I have the CH341a bios usb programmer with 8pin clip but no software reads the chip that ive tried