B4tooB Thanks but I don't know how to use them can someone mod my motherboard bios with gigabyte sertificate and Slic 2.1 please. Daz told me: "As it's a Gigabyte board I suggest you request one with a Gigabyte SLIC. I'm pretty sure the loader has a HP certificate but for the BIOS to have crossed details then its whole "this is more secure" argument is flawed since I could identify it as a BIOS mod with no problem." Help me please
Do a request with Bios-Link Motherboard Manufacturer and Model : -Bios Revision : -Bios Type : -Bios SLIC : -Bios Link :
B4tooB What should I do with Gigabyte Cert Folder? I Write files: autoexec.bat, EP35DS3.F4, FLASHSPI.EXE on my USB Drive for flash bios should i write file GIGABYTE-GBT-2.1.XRM-MS too?
If you are going to manually install the Certificate and Serial Key: Put it on your system partition (usually C:\). But if you are going to use the Daz loader BIOS MOD section under Advanced Options to install a Cert and Serial you won't need that one included in the archive with the BIOS MOD.
NoJuan999 Yes I will use Daz loader. Thanks for answer I will flash bios without sertificate in folder