hey domatlapuk thanks for getting on that real fast unfortunatly the rapidshare link doesnt work for whatever reason i get the Error The file could not be found. Please check the download link. error thanks again
ok maybe i didnt wait long enough for the dl to work and it does dl now but when i try to flash i get an error message Unknown Flash Type any ideas????
try this command, this from asus with your mobo.. With this command info from Asus website: Please update Bios with below command: AWDFLASH XXX.bin /qi
that is the command i was using i even tried auflash that gave me the BIOS has no flash information available error and the ezflashII in the bios acts like it flashes the bios but does not change the slic table. would saving the bios to a file and uploading that bios to mod be more apt to go on the board??
The mod works fine on my board but i can't get it to work on my friend's m/board. I can successfully flash, it installed the certificate-but the key doesn't work. Is there anything i can do to fix this?