Will someone please help me?? everyone is getting helped except for me I have an evga 750i and i cant figure out how to mod it myself because whenever i choose the bios file it says invalid file... if i extract the iso it has nothing inside.. if i burn it... there are no files on the disc.. i guess its hidden or something... is this bios even moddable? i saw someone mod the 750i sli ftw... i have the regular one... the 750i sli and i did the slic dump with the toolkit and it says it doesnt find any slic tables at all... please help
can i ask you one question? how did you get it to accept the bios file? i was using the exact same tool but it wouldnt accept it
I extracted the files from the ISO and opened the .bin with Award Slic Mod tool. That's it. No tricks or special steps needed. Next time you need an AMI or AWARD mod that gets bypassed by the other modders just PM me.
i tried that but everytime i extracted it i just kept getting nothing... thank you i am going to flash it right now... i know there is the risk of a bad flash and a bricked mobo, is there any precautions i should take (i already read the bios recovery thread)? i bought this board as a christmas present to myself i just dont want to end up with a paper weight ... if anything does go wrong what could it be? it just wont activate? or will i have a brick?