Just install a different OEM SLP Key and and re-Validate online. It should pass as genuine. But WAT has flagged many legit PC's as Non-Genuine (mostly Dell and HP PC's though).
It was just the slp key that was used. Found OEM Asus Keyand it got me by the new wat update..Thanks again. Yes the ASUS Crosshair III Bios Mod Works 100%..with the right key after WAT update..
markoco : thanks for the information. also a special thanks to everyone running this forum and the people who contribute. i found out that the bios i had flashed the machine with did not have a valid HP SLIC 2.1 in it by using the slic toolkit. i got ahold of awdslictool and used the ISA method to add the SLIC to it myself, reflashed and it took. was kinda scared there for a minute, cause i never modded a bios before and awdslictool was a bit hard to understand and get it to compile the rom correctly.