Oh Man, I see just about every ASUS board except mine! (ASUS M2N-MX SE PLUS)... am I the only freak with this board? I am wishing if somebody comes up with request for bios mod for that one, I could solve my problems too!!!
I've tried to flash my Easynote MX45 using AFUDOS v4.27. The command I used : "AFUDOS T12SSV3.302 /P /C" . As a result, my PC is now a brick. I was thinking that by coding /P /C , I won't re-flash the boot-block, and so be able to use the AMI Bios recovery technique in case of failure. Unfortunately , now the PC won't even power ON. That's give me no chance to recover the bios. Any idea what I could do ?
That's why I recommended looking on Pac-Bell forums for the proper tool, flashing with the wrong tool is always dangerous. You might be able to open the Laptop up and see if the Bios chip is in a socket, if so you can usually get a new on online for $10 -12.
The bios isn't on a socket .... it is "soudé" (French word, I don't know the English one). The Packardbell tools was given with the original bios, it was AFLASH2. How do you choose the right tool to use for the various bios you modify here ? Do you think I can ask PackardBell to repair the PC by reflashing using hardware tools ?
I always recommend the tool from the manufacturer, in your case it was AFLASh2 which I included with the Modded Bios. In english that would be soldiered = Not removable. If the laptop is under warranty Pac-Bell will replace the MB for free, if not it would probably be cheaper to buy a replacement MB. Some Bios chips can be reset by shorting two pins on the chip while pressing the Power Button but I have No idea if that is possible on your Bios. Also some companies have Hardware Bios Programmers that can be used to reflash a dead Bios.
Hello Dear NoJuan999.... Thank you very much you have saved my neck! I was in panic-mode... I think by now I am figuring out how to insert the slic info into AMI bios... I would like a little confirmation on what I am doing: can I simply insert the slic bin into bios (using the right software of course) anywhere or do I have to specify any specific module (for example FC)? I did without specifying any module and it made me a -----_slic.rom file. Later I have also edited the bios release date as it posts during boot. Not sure if this new file would actually work if I flash it; your suggestion came my way at the right moment. I would use your modded file to flash (to be on safer side). I did my search through the forum but obviously I didn't know how to search! Nothing came up (repeat searches) during my search using the mainboard model (M2N-MX SE Plus).... Anyways, thank you very much! Have a great week.... I will try to get the dying system to life.
Use AMI SLIC Tool, open the Original Bios File from ASUS and chose the ASUS SLIC and ASUS SLP. SSv3 Method with MMTool ticked should be chosen automatically for this Bios. Just Click on the GO Button and it will insert the SLIC info into the 1B module for you. Be sure to Flash from DOS with AFUDOS v2.36 from the ASUS Support site.