Please help me! I'm looking for a SLIC 2.1 Bios for my Gigabyte GA-P35-DQ6 Rev. 1.0 mobo but I didn't found. I saw a lot of BIOS for Rev 1.1 motherboard but I think it's not ok. I need F9 BIOS version. Please help,send link if you know where can we found! Thanks a lot.
For an Award Bios I would say yes. Always try the ISA first because it is definitely the safest method. I use whichever method has proven to be the safest and most successfull for a particular MB. So I always recommend the safest Method first and go from there.
Some ASUS Notebooks don't work well with the SSV3 Method without Adjusting the Location of the SLIC Table and the SSV2 works properly and is safer. I have some experience doing these AMI/Award mods (somewhere around 3000 Mods done) and my method choice is based on that experience.