1. Bobthequill

    Bobthequill MDL Novice

    Aug 2, 2010
    Hi Guys.

    I am a newbie on here.

    -Motherboard Manufacturer and Model :Medion Akoya P4020 D (German) but looks like an MSI all in one Wind Top clone. Probably made in China
    -Bios Revision : v 02.67. in setup, it says Bios version A7261MLN.208
    -Bios Type :AMI
    -Bios SLIC :Dunno what a SLIC is ?
    -Bios Link : No link identified.

    The supplier/manufacturer has stopped talking to me after the touch screen software played up and their advised fix did not work.

    The motherboard is twin sata, one for a 1 terabyte HDD and one for a notebook type CD-DVD drive.

    I have reassigned the sata 2 to an eSata output to a HDD dock and put the CD-DVD drive in a USB housing.

    All works fine but the ability to dual boot is disabled. The second HDD is recognised and disabled for boot whichever sata port I plug it into.

    I cannot find a setting in bios which adjusts this disabling. reworking the boot sequence does not help.

    It refers to a 'corresponding type menu' as being where this disablement occurs but gives no access to any such type menu.

    The result is a BSOD after initial boot of the second drive. Win 7 on both drives and startup repairs don't help.

    Nor does BCD edit or Vista Boot pro. The drive works fine for storage but, no boot.

    I am fairly convinced that it is a Manufacturers fix in the bios but I just cannot see a reason for it.

    Am I obliged to plead with a non responsive supplier to fix this? Or is there another way?

    FYI, I predate the home PC by quite a few years but used to be a mainframe hardware specialist.

    Haven't worked in dos since the mid eighties.

    Any advice appreciated.

  2. Serg008

    Serg008 MDL BIOS/EFI Guru

    Feb 23, 2010
    Which of the two mods you use, OEM7 or 0+2 ?
  3. qtm

    qtm MDL Addicted

    Jul 8, 2009
  4. frankenberrie

    frankenberrie MDL Novice

    Jul 29, 2009
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  5. tehparan0id

    tehparan0id MDL Novice

    Dec 17, 2009
    -Bios SLIC : Biostar?