Delah, Since u will prob get your before I do can u message me and let me know how it went? Which version of Windows 7 are u running or installing? The OEM?
Yeah takasuite, after flash my BIOS, Windows Vista ask me to activate today my SO. Then I did all the commands using Vista Key. Everything is all right. Thanks, thanks, thanks my friend. Chubila
Hi 911medic, The message : "No Space to insert Module" Bios : Award Mobo : Abit. i try other mobo, method Dynamic. not lucky at all what is your recommendation ? thanks
Well, the confusing thing is, QFlash did'nt refuse the older F7-version which is floating around here too (but i did'nt flash it, because i had some probs with the original f7), so there is a difference here. That something i wanted to clear up, before i force flashing with FlashSPI. Thanks for the warning for the Sony, i'm already looking for a recoevery-method, i would'nt start flashing it, without such a backup.
I've had a go with the awrd tools linked around the forum and it looks like those Dell bios's can't be done. Don't take my word for it cos I'm just stumbling around trying to figure this stuff out, but the tools run but give an error about not enough space to patch those bioses. I tested a gigabyte award bios and everything seemed to go well (no error msgs anyway) I'm running MS untouched x86 with the WOW 7 patch from here with the OEM leaked key (activated)
Guys, one question, I'd like to know if in the moment exist only one key to Windows 7 and these two Certs (HP and Dell) are to Windows 7 or Windows Vista? Because I've read that if you use Certs to Windows Vista in Windows 7, it's works. Thanks Chubila