backup and restore digital license

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by onlesaura, Jan 26, 2022.

  1. onlesaura

    onlesaura MDL Novice

    Aug 15, 2014
    While it's quite easy to reactivate windows 10 after reinstal with an internet connection, sometimes an offline pc, without internet, should be reactivated after a reinstallation and then, it's difficult. Some suggested to backup the digital license and restore it after. I've found several topics on this but it was never updated.
    Here we had :
    Other websites recommend to backup also other files located here :

    Others also mention another tokens.dat file located in appdata.
    I know the official and easy answer is to say it's not possible, anyway it seems that it's achievable.
    Please, is there any way to know what are the files to backup and restore to preserve locally this digital license, on the same hardware? I know that doing a full backup of my system and restore the backup would preserve the backup, but the reality is that I have to do a fresh install and reactivation on a local account- without connection to internet. Thank you very very much!
  2. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    The digital license is bound to the hardware it's established on and saved on MSFT servers, as long as the mainboard/lan is not changed no need to back it up at all (and when it changed the backup won't work anyway, then just get yourself a new digital license).
  3. onlesaura

    onlesaura MDL Novice

    Aug 15, 2014
    thank you, but it does not answer my question. I know about MS servers. I may have to install the same fresh version of windows 10 from scratch after formating the drive on the same hardware windows 10 was already activated. The challenge is to have Win 10 activated again without connecting to internet, as explained in my question.
  4. onlesaura

    onlesaura MDL Novice

    Aug 15, 2014
    It's what I said. With internet connection, easy. without = nightmare. in the past it was possible to use slui 4 but not anymore.
  5. Kyhi

    Kyhi MDL Junior Member

    Jul 16, 2015
    Within the Setup Media > Copy > "\sources\gatherosstate.exe" to your Desktop
    then Run the EXE > This will create a "GenuineTicket.xml" file on your Desktop
    To restore the Activation on a Clean Install on the same PC - copy that file into "\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\ClipSVC\GenuineTicket" - then restart PC...
    I usually Prep and Apply the Install.wim to the PC (so I integrate that Ticket File into the wim, and thus present upon first boot of PC - to activate.. )
  6. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    Considering HWID is an activation method that needs to contact the msft servers to work, offline won't never work, use KMS or KMS38.

    And it still needs to confirm with msft servers.
  7. Kyhi

    Kyhi MDL Junior Member

    Jul 16, 2015
    I usually do not allow an internet connection at first - but you may be right - things change and memory slips with age.
  8. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009
    The activation throughout a digital license of Microsoft will need a working Internet connection, NO way around that!

    Even if using a KMS activation, an Internet, or at least a LAN wired connection is needed for that activation process because the machine needs to be connected to the KMS-Server. That applies as well if the used KMS Server is located on the same Network, be wired or by WiFi.

    AFAIK, while using a legal single Product Key, sometimes an Internet connection is needed to keep the Activation alive if the used machine is even just sometimes/shortly connected to the Internet! Only, if you keep the computer strictly of the Internet, the activation maybe will be alive for a longer time.
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  9. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    #9 Enthousiast, Jan 27, 2022
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2022
    Only for official KMS and KMS connected to a (public) KMS server.

    Keys are online activation too.
  10. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018
    I think that backing up C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\ClipSVC\tokens.dat should be enough on w10, but surely backing up also the files from spp you mentioned doesn't hurt