Bad motherboard, solder advice?

Discussion in 'PC Hardware' started by thatguychuck, Mar 9, 2012.

  1. thatguychuck

    thatguychuck MDL Member

    Feb 6, 2011
    I recently picked up a dead PC in the hopes it was a simple power supply problem, but after some testing it's still no go. However, it was cheap enough it was worth my while just for the extra parts. Anyway, I was about to toss the motherboard when I noticed (for my first time ever on a dead motherboard,) what appeared to be the problem. So, more in the terms of practice/hobbyist than returning the board to function, what are these and is it replaceable part?

  2. gabris[LT]

    gabris[LT] MDL Senior Member

    Nov 6, 2010
    #2 gabris[LT], Mar 10, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2012
    From color seems like ferite bead, but it's going near capacitor, so it should be burned SMD capacitors. :)
    change low impediance capacitors near CPU socket, and change those SMD capacitors. :) you can find them almost on every PCB :D look for same size only. :) try to read names of these parts on PCB. :)
  3. thatguychuck

    thatguychuck MDL Member

    Feb 6, 2011
    My hands aren't quite as steady as I had hoped! :p Thank you for the info though.
  4. gabris[LT]

    gabris[LT] MDL Senior Member

    Nov 6, 2010
    they're quite big :D Yesterday I was soldering PSP parts that were that small that I even couldn't grab them with tweezers, of course I failed, because how can I solder part which I can't grab and place in right place. :)