[Batch] Create a Windows 10 All.In-One (AIO) DVD5 ISO

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by johnye_pt, Nov 29, 2015.

  1. RemixDeluxe

    RemixDeluxe MDL Novice

    Apr 28, 2015

    Ohhh now I understand. I was suppose to download just that Windows 10 iso then I can pick and choose which editions I'd like to stamp together on a DVD5. Thank you sir.
  2. ultimate_live

    ultimate_live MDL Expert

    Mar 15, 2011
    Does this tool also work with install.wim files without the Media Creation tool iso´s?
  3. johnye_pt

    johnye_pt MDL Addicted

    Aug 26, 2010
    The tool specifically looks for DVD\x64\setup.exe and DVD\x86\setup.exe to make sure you're using an ISO created by Media Creation Tool with both architectures.

    If you just want to create a x86 or x64 All In One ISO, you can:
    - extract ISO to DVD folder;
    - extract WIMs from other ISOs to WIM folder (make sure they're all either x64 or x86);
    - run step 2 (Convert all WIM\*.esd files to WIM\*.wim);
    - run step 3 (Sort all images by architecture/name and save list to wimlist.txt);
    - run step 4 (Combine all images listed in wimlist.txt into one install.wim);
    - run step 5 (Convert install.wim to install.esd);
    - move WIM\install.esd to DVD\sources;
    - manually create ISO using cdimage in command line.

    I will probably add an option to detect if the extracted ISO has both x86/x64 architectures or only one to make it work both ways.
  4. genenioo

    genenioo MDL Addicted

    Oct 9, 2007
  5. genenioo

    genenioo MDL Addicted

    Oct 9, 2007
  6. johnye_pt

    johnye_pt MDL Addicted

    Aug 26, 2010
    Does the Single Language appear on the wimlist.txt? If it does, you just have to pause the batch, remove it from the list and resume the batch. Unfortunately I'm tied up with other matters to test it out. Even if I wanted to, I don't have enough free space on the hdd :eek:
  7. genenioo

    genenioo MDL Addicted

    Oct 9, 2007
    #228 genenioo, Apr 8, 2017
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2017
    Well, it didn't because I had taken it out of the new .wim I made and with which I had run the batch. Are you saying that if you take it off the wimlist it will not only not show up in the .iso but will also save the space that that version would normally take up in the .wim? Of course saving the space was the whole reason I eliminated it so I could fit Enterprise in the .wim and not go over 4.37GB. Sounds like you need a new hard drive--they're very reasonable nowadays, at least here in the U.S. ($50 to $60/TB)
  8. johnye_pt

    johnye_pt MDL Addicted

    Aug 26, 2010
    Yes that's what I meant. The batch parses wimlist.txt and creates a new install.wim, so if you pause after step 3 and remove "Single Language" from the list, it should not be added to install.wim before compressing it to install.esd.

    My current laptop has a 120GB SSD + 1TB HDD, both quite full. I'm trying to repair an old 1st generation i5 laptop, if I ever make it fully functional I'll probably add a 1TB to that one too and catalog most of the files to backup.
  9. genenioo

    genenioo MDL Addicted

    Oct 9, 2007
    #230 genenioo, Apr 8, 2017
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2017
    Wow! That would have been a lot easier than making a whole new .wim like I did with the NTLite, even though it wasn't that big of a deal. I'm of course happy with the result I now have. Sometime soon I'm sure I'll be tempted to try just scratching the single language off the wimlist and see what the results are.
  10. genenioo

    genenioo MDL Addicted

    Oct 9, 2007
  11. mhussain

    mhussain MDL Senior Member

    Oct 1, 2012
    sorry for recovering an old thread like this, but a question.
    would it be possible to have the build number after every name of the windows edition?
    or before edition name?
    was thinking of makeing a multi win10 build release,
    or would it be possible to add a bit to wimlist that will add what is typed in the file?

    windows 10 enterprize,19042.631.201114-1518.20H2
    windows 10 enterprize, 20h2
    or: 20h2, windows 10 enterprize
    does dism have the capibility to get build number of the image?
    or wimlib?

    thanks for your answers!