@alphawaves, it works perfectly now, fresh eyes helped me see I was missing a space between one of the folder names, its now integrated into the main script so do you know how to first rename the searched for file to "backup" then do the copy?, I think I can mod this script to do the restore of the backup.
yip, your good you are , for the last part of the tool I need to replace a file that's the same file name as the last but 64bit, different size, what would be the best way to do this as the 32bit one sits in the same folder as the script but the 64 being of the same name needs to go in its own folder?
Hi you could name the 32Bit file "32Test.txt" and the 64Bit file "64Test.txt", then using the environment variable %processor_architecture% to define if your in 32Bit or 64Bit:
^^^thanks, couldn't quite get my head around that so I just renamed the 64dll in my cmd folder then copied it over then renamed it again, crude but work's, now I've got things nearly done is there anything that can be done to hide the workings of the console from the user, say instead of having line after line of text scroll down for 5 minutes while things are working instead have just a window saying "working, please wait"?
You could use "echo Working, please wait..." at start of cmd, use >nul to hide output.. at end of each todo commandline EDIT: Have you thought about using hstart to call a batch file displaying a working cmd: Code: @echo off echo Working, please wait... "%~dp0hstart.exe" /NOCONSOLE /WAIT "%~dp0Test.cmd" echo complete. exit OR messagebox: Code: "%~dp0hstart.exe" /MSG="Patching in progress, please wait." /TITLE="Patch by thethingy" hstart source
InstallTips executes commands and displays message while the process is still active RyanVM The chosen message displays in middle of desktop.
^^^Thanks, I'm going to try both, its for aesthetics really as I thought I'd learn batches first before vb, thought I was about done with the app then I found this; http://ss64.com/nt/cmd.html its letting me split my really long batch into small batches that are task specific that run from the one window so should a task error out the main "menu" window is always there, got the batch unpacking a rar/exe silently to the temp dir but can the cmd do anything other than call an app?
what's the additional script to force this; to stay as the default action for the current session of Windows, so no matter what batch is called after that cmd window has closed the 32/64 setting will remain? Also personalising the .cmd shell was pointless as there are limited options so I got a custom portable one that I want to set as the default cmd.exe for all .cmd actions for that session too, I'm assuming that a script similar to the above would work?, the custom portable is 32bit only so am I going to have issues running a 32 cmd.exe on 64bit to copy/rename/delete/replace files and reg keys?
Yeh you can call other batch files from first keeping the "set ???" Test.cmd: Code: @echo off IF '%processor_architecture%'=='x86' ( Set File=32Test.txt Set Hstart=Hstart32.exe ) ELSE ( Set File=64Test.txt Set Hstart=Hstart64.exe ) CALL :START CALL NEXT.cmd CALL DONE.cmd "%~dp0%hstart%" /MSG="Complete." /TITLE="Patch by thethingy" exit :START "%~dp0%hstart%" /MSG="Patching in progress. This will take a minute, please wait." /TITLE="Patch by thethingy" IF EXIST "%programfiles%\blah\blah\blahl\Test.BACKUP" ( TAKEOWN /F "%programfiles%\blah\blah\blahl\Test.BACKUP" >nul ICACLS "%programfiles%\blah\blah\blahl\Test.BACKUP" /GRANT *S-1-1-0:F >nul DEL /F /Q "%programfiles%\blah\blah\blahl\Test.BACKUP" >nul ) IF EXIST "%programfiles%\blah\blah\blahl\Test.txt" ( TAKEOWN /F "%programfiles%\blah\blah\blahl\Test.txt" >nul ICACLS "%programfiles%\blah\blah\blahl\Test.txt" /GRANT *S-1-1-0:F >nul REN "%programfiles%\blah\blah\blahl\Test.txt" "Test.BACKUP" COPY /Y "%~dp0%File%" "%programfiles%\blah\blah\blahl\Test.txt" >nul ping -n 7 >nul ) else ( ping -n 7 >nul "%~dp0%hstart%" /MSG="Patching has failed." /TITLE="Patch by thethingy" ) GOTO :eof NEXT.cmd Code: "%~dp0%hstart%" /MSG="Called from first batch file." /TITLE="Patch by thethingy" GOTO :eof DONE.cmd Code: "%~dp0%hstart%" /MSG="Called from second batch file." /TITLE="Patch by thethingy" GOTO :eof You can run a 32Bit cmd from 64Bit windows as follows: Code: %windir%\SysWoW64\cmd.exe How to Open and Run 32-bit Command Prompt in 64-bit (x64) Windows
^^^thanks, so now I want to take full control of a reg key but I don't know the user name; Code: /subkeyreg HKEY_CURRENT_USER /grant=administrators=f /grant=system=f /grant=restricted=r /grant=YOURUSERNAME=f /setowner=administrators > manually I would ask the user to edit the command but this is to be automated so what's the perimeters to change YOURUSERNAME to the user who happens to be logged in?
^^thanks, now I have several batches (to always keep the menu as the fake gui needs consistency) and url's and text files needed by my app but I got to thinking that I don't need to package them all as my main bat can make the dependency's for the main bat; Code: ECHO [InternetShortcut] >"%~dp0blah.url" ECHO URL="http://blahblah.blah.com" >> "%~dp0blah.url" ECHO >"%~dp0blah.txt"Please leave this file in place, you will need it should you wish to restore your..... >> "%~dp0blah.txt" url's and texts work no problem but how can I modify the text creation cmd so that it sets the correct line spacing for eventually renaming the text to a cmd for use?, this I would like to do for xml files also so that config settings can be tailored for 32/64bit and if possible tailored to windows xp/vista/7 settings <- is that even possible?.
I may have missunderstood you are you saying you want to create a batch file from cmd ? Code: echo @echo off >"%~dp0blah.bat" echo. >>"%~dp0blah.bat" echo MD "%~dp0Test" >>"%~dp0blah.bat" echo IF EXIST "%~dp0Test" ( >>"%~dp0blah.bat" echo echo Directory created >>"%~dp0blah.bat" echo ) >>"%~dp0blah.bat" echo. >>"%~dp0blah.bat" echo pause >>"%~dp0blah.bat" http://www.petri.co.il/quickly_create_txt_file_from_cmd.htm
yes, but I can only get it to write text to one very long line, say this is the bat I want to create from the cmd; when added to the text file it all comes out on one line and the cmd then fails I've tried it by trying to make the cmd as a one line cmd by using the "echo &" but that fails also..........
Are you using >> to goto next line: firstline > secondline >> thirdline >> fourth line >> and so on ?
NO! , so would that work like this; ECHO >"%~dp0ai.txt"@echo off first line>>IF '%processor_architecture%'=='x86' secondline >>Set File=32Test.txt thirdline >>..........("%~dp0ai.txt" or; ECHO >"%~dp0ai.txt"@ first line>>echo off secondline >>IF '%processor_architecture%'=='x86' thirdline >>Set File=32Test.txt ("%~dp0ai.txt" ???, is the first line and second replaceable with 1 & 2?
Like this: Code: echo @echo off >"%~dp0ai.txt" echo. >>"%~dp0ai.txt" echo IF '%processor_architecture%'=='x86' ( >>"%~dp0ai.txt" echo Set File=32Test.txt >>"%~dp0ai.txt" echo ) ELSE ( >>"%~dp0ai.txt" echo Set File=64Test.txt >>"%~dp0ai.txt" echo ) >>"%~dp0ai.txt"
thanks, that made this; Code: @echo off IF 'x86'=='x86' ( Set File=32Test.txt ) ELSE ( Set File=64Test.txt ) the spacing works but anything in %% is ignored, tried "" the ignored parts but you just get the "" with the %% and text removed , in fact its not ignored the value of the %pro arc% is replaced with X86
lol sorry change : Code: echo @echo off >"%~dp0ai.txt" echo. >>"%~dp0ai.txt" echo IF '%processor_architecture%'=='x86' ( >>"%~dp0ai.txt" echo Set File=32Test.txt >>"%~dp0ai.txt" echo ) ELSE ( >>"%~dp0ai.txt" echo Set File=64Test.txt >>"%~dp0ai.txt" echo ) >>"%~dp0ai.txt" to this: Code: echo @echo off >"%~dp0ai.txt" echo. >>"%~dp0ai.txt" echo IF '%%processor_architecture%%'=='x86' ( >>"%~dp0ai.txt" echo Set File=32Test.txt >>"%~dp0ai.txt" echo ) ELSE ( >>"%~dp0ai.txt" echo Set File=64Test.txt >>"%~dp0ai.txt" echo ) >>"%~dp0ai.txt" it need doubles %% for processor_architecture..