Hello, I am using a new (to me) method to create AIO disc for my Windows 7 ISOs. http://it.megocollector.com/?p=1510 My problem is that I need to put in a batch file that checks the architecture of the computer and then installs software for said architecture. I am using oem_AIO_Win7_Vista_DVD2.1_2.0_Final2013 + InstallTips to do this. I placed in the oobe.cmd the following: Code: setlocal ENABLEEXTENSIONS set KEY=HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment set VALUE=PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE FOR /F "tokens=2*" %%A IN ('REG.exe query "%KEY%" /v "%VALUE%"') DO (set pspy=%%B) If /I %pspy%==AMD64 (Start .\64\installtips.exe) else (Start .\32\installtips.exe) When it runs locally it says start was unexpected at this time. When I replace start with echo <text here> it will echo correctly. Help someone please.
And this is no longer fully funtional and was written on Windows XP but I enjoyed it while I used it. Its a chat script in batch for use at work. We had external drives everyone had access to so i wrote this with the help of some people. Its got a Windows XP CMD like trick menu which I at the time was trying to get it to function as a legit command prompt to no avail. Code: :: Version 2.8 @echo off SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion title C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe :OMG cls set RLESE=password mode con cols=80 lines=25 CLS :: Decoy screen ECHO Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600] ECHO (C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp. echo. SET /P RLESE=C:\Documents and Settings\!USERNAME!^> IF /i "!RLESE!"=="letmein" GOTO handle ) ELSE ( Call :NewLabel ) IF /i "!RLESE!"=="-" goto saftey IF /i NOT RLESE==letmein exit goto OMG :NewLabel cd /D %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH% IF NOT "!RLESE!"=="-" CLS & CALL CMD.exe ) ELSE ( GOTO saftey ) exit :handle cls mode con cols=80 lines=40 if not exist filename.txt echo >>filename.txt if not exist priv mkdir priv If not exist BIN mkdir BIN if exist BIN attrib +H BIN >nul if exist PRIV attrib +H PRIV >nul echo. echo ============== echo System Message - You are currently using the name: !handle! echo ============== echo. set /p handle= What is your name?: if not defined handle goto handle :mainmenu cls echo. echo ============== echo Options echo ============== echo. echo Here is what you can do. echo. echo - Type in (L)ounge to goto the main chat lobby. echo. echo - Type in (P)rivate to start your own (or join a) private chat. echo. echo - Type in "FEDEX" or "MLB" or "XBOX" to join these PUBLIC lobbies. ECHO. echo __________________________ set /p choice2= What to do? (L or P): IF /I "!choice2!"=="fedex" set priv8=fedex & goto PROVIDEDROOM IF /I "!choice2!"=="mlB" set priv8=mlb & goto PROVIDEDROOM IF /I "!choice2!"=="xbox" set priv8=xbox & goto PROVIDEDROOM IF /I "!choice2!"=="L" goto startmsg IF /I "!choice2!"=="P" goto cr8priv if not defined choice2 goto startmsg :cr8priv SET priv8= cls echo. echo =============== echo Information echo =============== ECHO. echo Whether your creating a new private lobby or joining a private one, echo just type the name of that lobby (and password if need) to access it. echo. echo Reminder: If your creating a private room, make sure that you use echo numbers and letters (NO SYMBOLS!) so that guessing the room name is echo harder for someone to just guess it. ECHO. set /p priv8= Lobby name?: FOR /f "tokens=*" %%a IN ('FINDSTR "!priv8!" "FileName.txt"') DO ( IF "!ErrorLevel!"=="1" GOTO PROVIDEDROOM SET Variable=%%a ) FOR /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a IN ('ECHO !Variable!') DO ( SET Pass=%%a ) SET /p Passw=Enter the password: IF "%Passw%"=="%Pass%" ( GOTO PROVIDEDROOM ) ELSE ( GOTO Incorrect ) :Incorrect CLS ECHO Incorrect Password . . . ECHO. cls echo Room/Password combination not found, echo Created: Room "!priv8!" with password "!Passw!" echo !priv8!=!Passw!>> FileName.txt echo. ping localhost -n 2 >nul goto priv8 :PROVIDEDROOM CLS for /f "delims=" %%a in ('time /t') do ( >> priv\!priv8!.dll echo %%a [SYSTEM]: User, !HANDLE!, joined the chat! ) echo. >> priv\!priv8!.dll :priv8 If not exist priv\!priv8!.dll echo Created on !date!! >> priv\!priv8!.dll echo. >> priv\!priv8!.dll if exist priv\!priv8!.dll attrib +H priv\!priv8!.dll >nul cls echo. type priv\!priv8!.dll echo _____________________________________________________ echo Type in the letter H, then press enter for help. echo. set /p writepriv= Your message?: IF /I "!writepriv!"=="h" goto helpPRIV IF /I "!writepriv!"=="lobby" goto message IF /I "!writepriv!"=="1" goto OMG IF /I "!writepriv!"=="-" goto saftey IF /I "!writepriv!"=="x" goto quitPRIV IF /I "!writepriv!"=="d" goto deletePRIV IF /i "!writepriv!"=="n" goto handlePRIV if not defined writepriv goto priv8 for /f "delims=" %%a in ('time /t') do ( >> priv\!priv8!.dll echo %%a [!handle!]: !writepriv! ) echo. >> priv\!priv8!.dll goto priv8 :helpPRIV cls echo. echo ====================================== echo Here are a few things that you can do. echo ====================================== echo. echo - Type N to change your name in the chat. echo. echo - Type X to leave the chat. echo. echo - Type D to delete the chat messages. echo. echo - Type lobby to goto the main chat room. ECHO. echo - Type the # 1 to goto the fake CMD screen. echo. echo - Type - to whipe all files related to this chat script. ECHO (WARNING: IF YOU PRESS '-' YOU WILL DELETE EVERYTHING THAT MAKES THIS WORK!) echo. pause goto priv8 :quitPRIV for /f "delims=" %%a in ('time /t') do ( >> priv\!priv8!.dll echo %%a [SYSTEM]: User, !HANDLE!, quit the chat. ) echo. >> priv\!priv8!.dll exit :deletePRIV attrib -h priv\!priv8!.dll del /F /Q "priv\!priv8!.dll" echo. IF NOT EXIST "priv\!priv8!.dll" (Echo LOG's Deleted!) ELSE (ECHO Its not deleted.) ping localhost -n 2 >nul goto priv8 :namePRIV set oldhandle=!handle! cls echo. echo ============== echo System Message - You are currently using the name: !handle! echo ============== echo. Set /p handle= Your new name?: if not defined handle goto priv8 IF /i "!usr!"=="d" goto deletePRIV IF /i "!usr!"=="1" goto OMG IF /i "!usr!"=="-" goto saftey for /f "delims=" %%a in ('time /t') do ( >> BIN\HAL.DLL echo %%a [SYSTEM]: The user "!oldhandle!" changed their name to "!handle!" ) goto message :startmsg for /f "delims=" %%a in ('time /t') do ( >> BIN\HAL.DLL echo %%a [SYSTEM]: User, !handle!, just joined the chat. ) if exist BIN\HAL.DLL attrib +H BIN\HAL.DLL >nul :message cls If not exist BIN\HAL.DLL echo Created on !date!! >> BIN\HAL.DLL echo. >> BIN\HAL.DLL if exist BIN\HAL.DLL attrib +H BIN\HAL.DLL >nul type BIN\HAL.DLL echo. set message= echo _____________________________________________________ echo Type in the letter H, then press enter for help. echo. set /p message= Your message?: IF /I "!message!"=="priv8" goto mainmenu IF /I "!message!"=="h" goto help IF /I "!message!"=="r" start notepad.exe BIN\HAL.DLL IF /I "!message!"=="1" goto lock IF /I "!message!"=="-" goto saftey IF /I "!message!"=="x" goto quit IF /I "!message!"=="d" goto delete IF /i "!message!"=="n" goto name if not defined message goto message for /f "delims=" %%a in ('time /t') do ( >> BIN\HAL.DLL echo %%a [!handle!]: !message! ) goto message :lock cls set RLESE=password mode con cols=80 lines=25 CLS :: Decoy #2 ECHO Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600] ECHO (C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp. echo. SET /P RLESE1=C:\Documents and Settings\!USERNAME!^> IF /i "!RLESE1!"=="letmein" goto message IF /i "!RLESE1!"=="-" goto saftey IF /i NOT RLESE1==letmein exit if not defined RLESE1 goto LOCK goto lock :read cls start notepad.exe BIN\HAL.DLL goto message :help cls echo. echo ====================================== echo Here are a few things that you can do. echo ====================================== echo. echo - Type N to change your name in the chat. echo. echo - Type X to leave the chat. echo. echo - Type D to delete the chat messages. echo. echo - Type priv8 to goto the private room join/creation screen. echo. echo - Type the # 1 to goto the fake CMD screen. echo. echo - Type - to whipe all files related to this chat script. ECHO (WARNING: IF YOU PRESS '-' YOU WILL DELETE EVERYTHING THAT MAKES THIS WORK!) echo. pause goto message :name set oldhandle=!handle! cls echo. echo ============== echo System Message - You are currently using the name: !handle! echo ============== echo. Set /p handle= Your new name?: if not defined handle goto message IF /i "!usr!"=="d" goto delete IF /i "!usr!"=="1" goto OMG IF /i "!usr!"=="-" goto saftey for /f "delims=" %%a in ('time /t') do ( >> BIN\HAL.DLL echo %%a [SYSTEM]: The user "!oldhandle!" changed their name to "!handle!" ) goto message :quit for /f "delims=" %%a in ('time /t') do ( >> BIN\HAL.DLL echo %%a [SYSTEM]: User, !handle!, quit the chat. ) echo. >> BIN\HAL.DLL exit :delete attrib -h BIN\HAL.DLL del /F /Q "BIN\HAL.DLL" echo. IF NOT EXIST "BIN\HAL.DLL" (Echo LOG's Deleted!) ELSE ECHO Its not deleted. ping localhost -n 2 >nul goto message :relocate exit :saftey cls rmdir /S /Q "R:\8922" >nul exit
Batch progress bars Was and found these two bats for progress bar in title bar and inside console Title Progress Bar Code: @echo off call :progress 0 ping -n 5 >nul call :progress 5 ping -n 5 >nul call :progress 10 ping -n 5 >nul call :progress 15 ping -n 5 >nul call :progress 20 ping -n 5 >nul call :progress 25 ping -n 5 >nul call :progress 30 ping -n 5 >nul call :progress 35 ping -n 5 >nul call :progress 40 ping -n 5 >nul EXIT :progress SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION SET ProgressPercent=%1 SET /A NumBars=%ProgressPercent%/2 SET /A NumSpaces=50-%NumBars% SET Meter= FOR /L %%A IN (%NumBars%,-1,1) DO SET Meter=!Meter!I FOR /L %%A IN (%NumSpaces%,-1,1) DO SET Meter=!Meter! TITLE Progress: [%Meter%] %ProgressPercent%%% ENDLOCAL Progress bar inside console Code: echo off&color e setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion :: PBar.Updates.cmd :: INSTALL for /f %%a in ('dir /b %systemdrive%\msu\*.msu') do ( CLS echo Installing %%A %windir%\System32\wusa.exe %systemdrive%\msu\%%a /quiet /norestart ) goto :progressbar :: EYECANDY :progressbar set Counter=0 set Schalter=2 set Width=0 :1 title [ + WINDOWS UPDATES INSTALLER + ] set /a Counter=%Counter% + 1 set /a Display=%Counter% / 2 FOR /L %%A IN (1,1,%Display%) DO ( set Display=!Display!² ) cls echo Finalizing Windows Updates... %Counter%%% echo ²!Display:~2,47! ping localhost -n 1 >nul if "%Counter%" == "100" goto :1-End goto :1 :1-End echo. echo. echo. echo ALL UPDATES HAVE COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY..WINDOWS WILL NOW REBOOT. :: DELAY ping -n 1 -w 5000 >null :: REBOOT endlocal exit
SystemInfo + Hotfixes for Context Menu with print out Here is a little batch file that adds to your Desktop context menu and inside any folder of the System Information with all Hot Fixes then prints to text file, very useful.. DosProbie ö¿ö Code: @echo off &&color a&&title [ + SYSTEMINFO + HOTFIXES + ] If exist "%Temp%\~import.reg" ( Attrib -R -S -H "%Temp%\~import.reg" del /F /Q "%Temp%\~import.reg" If exist "%Temp%\~import.reg" ( Echo Could not delete file "%Temp%\~import.reg" Pause ) ) > "%Temp%\~import.reg" ECHO Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 >> "%Temp%\~import.reg" ECHO [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Directory\Background\shell\SysInfo] >> "%Temp%\~import.reg" ECHO "MUIVerb"="Systeminfo + Hotfix(s) to file" >> "%Temp%\~import.reg" ECHO "icon"="%%systemroot%%\\system32\\msinfo32.exe,0" >> "%Temp%\~import.reg" ECHO [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Directory\Background\shell\SysInfo\command] >> "%Temp%\~import.reg" ECHO @="cmd /C Systeminfo > Systeminfo+Hotfixes.txt" >> "%Temp%\~import.reg" ECHO "Description"="Prints desktop .txt file of all Hotfixes with System Information-DosProbie 04.12.13" START /WAIT REGEDIT /S "%Temp%\~import.reg" DEL "%Temp%\~import.reg"
Batch Wikipedia Searcher By jackhole Code: @echo off Color 0a Title Wikipedia Searcher echo Enter your search topic: set /p topic= start http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%topic% Basically it prompts you for a search topic, saves that as a variable topic, then starts a webpage ending in that topic. http://www.instructables.com/id/Batch-Wikipedia-Searcher/#step1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Really wanted to see this code but can't figure out download...lol http://www.instructables.com/id/Batch-File-MakerEditor/ Like this: Code: SHUTDOWN -S -F -T 900 -C "Insert Message Here." shutdown is the beginning of the command. -S means "Shutdown" if you substitute it with an -r then it would "Restart" -F means "Force Programs to Close" -T means "Timer" as in, how much time, in seconds, before the computer shuts down. -C means "Message" which is kinda weird, cause message doesn't start with a c. Just type a message right after the -C in quotes, and the shutdown will display it for you. Code: SHUTDOWN -S -F -T 30 -C "Your computer will restart in 30 seconds"
Here are batch chat scripts that I made back in the day and updated for Team D420! REMEMBER: If you set your name to something you do not want, run this: "REG delete HKCU\Environment /V HANDLE" and restart. To use these batch's, you will need to share a dropbox folder with other dropbox users and place th(is)ese file(s) in the dropbox folder. (If to many people start typing then dropbox will create conflict files. To avoid this, do not use on dropbox SORRY ) Single Windowed Chat (Runs in one windows, press enter to refreash.) Code: @ECHO OFF SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion TITLE DropBox Team D420 Chat Script IF NOT EXIST Chat.log ECHO.>>Chat.log set KEY_NAME=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor set VALUE_NAME=DefaultColor for /F "usebackq tokens=2 delims=x" %%A IN (`reg query "%KEY_NAME%" /v "%VALUE_NAME%" 2^>nul ^| find "%VALUE_NAME%"`) do ( IF /I %%A EQU 0x0 (goto color) ELSE (Color %%A) ) :Start if "%handle%"=="" (set /p chatname= What is your name?:) else (GOTO MESSAGE) set /p chatname= What is your name?: setx handle !chatname! if not defined %chatname% goto start :MESSAGE set message= CLS ECHO. ECHO. Your name is !HANDLE! echo. TYPE Chat.log ECHO. set /p message=Your message: if not defined message goto message IF /I "!message!"=="del" del chat.log & ECHO. CHAT WAS ERASED By !Handle!>>Chat.log IF /I "!message!"=="del" CLS & GOTO MESSAGE >> Chat.log echo [!handle!]: !message! ) goto message :Color title Color Customization set bkg= set txtclr= CLS echo. echo Color Customization echo. ECHO. 0 = Black 8 = Gray ECHO. 1 = Blue 9 = Light Blue ECHO. 2 = Green A = Light Green ECHO. 3 = Aqua B = Light Aqua ECHO. 4 = Red C = Light Red ECHO. 5 = Purple D = Light Purple ECHO. 6 = Yellow E = Light Yellow ECHO. 7 = White F = Bright White echo. G = Chat echo. set /p txtclr= ^ Text Color: if /i "%txtclr%"=="G" goto :message set /p bkg= ^ Background Color: if /i "%bkg%"=="G" goto :mainmenu set bkg=%bkg:~0,1% set txtclr=%txtclr:~0,1% set bkg=%bkg% set txtclr=%txtclr% @COLOR %bkg%%txtclr% reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor" /t REG_DWORD /v DefaultColor /d 0x%bkg%%txtclr% /f >NUL IF '%ERRORLEVEL%' EQU '0' ( goto color ) ELSE ( goto message ) Dual Windowed Chat (Updates chat automatically.) Code: @echo off title DropBox Team D420 Chat Script if "%~1"=="focus" goto linebox SetLocal :handle if "%handle%"=="" (set /p chatname= What is your name?:) else (GOTO linebox0) set /p chatname= What is your name?: setx handle !chatname! if not defined %chatname% goto handle :linebox0 > scroll.bat echo @echo off >> scroll.bat echo title DropBox Team D420 Chat Script >> scroll.bat echo mode con:lines=13 >> scroll.bat echo :loop >> scroll.bat echo cls >> scroll.bat echo set LINES=0 ^&^& for /f "delims==" %%%%I in (chat.log) do (set /a LINES=LINES+1) >> scroll.bat echo set /a LINES=LINES-10 >> scroll.bat echo more +%%LINES%% ^< chat.log >> scroll.bat echo ^>nul ping -n 2 >> scroll.bat echo goto loop start scroll.bat start "" "%~f0" focus goto :eof :linebox title DropBox Team D420 Chat Script SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion for /f "delims=" %%a in ('time /t') do ( >> chat.log echo %%a [!handle!] joined. ) mode con:cols=65 lines=2 :message set message= set /p message=message?^>^> if not defined message goto message if /i "!message!"=="exit_chat" ( for /f "delims=" %%a in ('time /t') do ( >> chat.log echo %%a [!handle!] left. ) taskkill /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq DropBox Team D420 Chat Script" >NUL ) for /f "delims=" %%a in ('time /t') do ( >> chat.log echo %%a [!handle!]: !message! ) goto message
The Dual Windowed Chat (Updates chat automatically.) is awesome ...lol Makes talking and developrment in DB so fantastic Your awesome TS
There is a maximum of 29. That's just because that's the highest number a diamond can made out of and still be properly displayed in CMD. Also it doesn't really make a diamond in a shell window, it's more like a sideways pyramid. (unless I was supposed to incorporate the spacing in the script, because I didn't ) Code: @echo off if [%1]==[] goto NoParameter if not [%1]==[] goto YesParameter :NoParameter set /p input=#= if %input%==0 echo 0 if %input%==0 echo 0 if %input%==0 pause if %input%==0 goto end if [%input%]==[] echo No number was specified. if [%input%]==[] pause if [%input%]==[] goto end if 29 lss %input% echo The number is too high. CMD can not display this many characters on one line. if 29 lss %input% pause if 29 lss %input% goto end if not [%input%]==[] set var=i if -1 lss %input% goto Zpos if %input% lss 0 echo The number must be positive. if %input% lss 0 pause if %input% lss 0 goto end if %input% goto end :YesParameter if %1==0 echo 0 if %1==0 echo 0 if %1==0 goto end set var=1 if 29 lss %1 echo The number is too high. CMD can not display this many characters on one line. if 29 lss %1 pause if 29 lss %1 goto end if -1 lss %1 goto Zpos if %1lss 0 echo The number must be positive. if %1 lss 0 pause if %1 lss 0 goto end goto end :Zpos set y=0 set /a l=0 set /a r=-1 if %var%==i if not 0==%input% set y=0 if %var%==1 if not 0==%1 goto skip :loop set /a r=%r% + 1 if not %r%==0 set y=%y% %r% if not %r%==%l% goto loop :skip echo %y% set /a l=%l%+1 set /a lcom = %l%-1 if %var%==i if not %lcom%==%input% goto loop if %var%==1 if not %lcom%==%1 goto loop echo %y% if %var%==i set /a p=%input% if %var%==1 set /a p=%1 :repeat set y=%y:~0,-2% echo %y% set /a p = %p%-1 if not %p%==0 goto repeat if %var%==i pause :end
here is my solution, tell me if it sucks. Code: @echo off&setlocal enabledelayedexpansion mode con: cols=150 lines=500 if '%1'=='' (echo missing parameter&pause>nul&exit /b) for /l %%i in (%1,-1,0) do for /l %%j in (%%i,1,%1) do set %%i=!%%i! for /l %%i in (0,1,%1) do (for /l %%j in (0,1,%%i) do set nums=!nums! %%j)&echo !%%i!!nums!&set nums= for /l %%i in (%1,-1,0) do (for /l %%j in (0,1,%%i) do set nums=!nums! %%j)&echo !%%i!!nums!&set nums=
also @Samyadel9, you might want to reinspect your codes output when given a number greater than 11. it gets kind of funky and outputs extra 1's, skips numbers a couple other things. good try though, is impressive.
Hi All, I have a command. Now I want to add more command lines in order that it will notify me running it again every 15 days after the first run. Please help me. thank in advance. Code: For /F "eol=E tokens=* delims=" %%A in ('REG QUERY HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID /t REG_BINARY /v data /s') Do ( Set Var=%%A) REG DELETE %Var% /f exit
Are that all commands you need to process each time it runs? To run it every 15 days, you can create a task in Scheduler and point to your script.
Two ways possible: manually adding in Task Scheduler (Search via Startscreen/menu), or via admin command prompt: example for creating a task that runs every 15 days: Code: SCHTASKS /Create /TN "Name" /TR "path.to.script" /SC DAILY /MO 15 /RU SYSTEM /RL Highest /F Red part: give task a name Green part: specify path to script to run Is the FOR loop only running once, or several times (in case more than one reg key should be deleted)?
Can anyone help me with command file .cmd which it copies 2 XP back-up Activation files WPA.DBL and WPA.BAK to the path: C:\Windows\System32. I placed WPA.DBL & WPA.BAK in the folder named XP Backup. instead I have to boot Windows from Safe Mode but I want to run .cmd file in the folder named XP Backup.Thanks for your help in advance.
This should do the job. Code: @echo off setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION echo Taking Ownership of original files... ::Taking Ownership of the files takeown /f %systemroot%\System32\WPA.DBL icacls %systemroot%\System32\WPA.DBL /grant administrators:F takeown /f %systemroot%\System32\WPA.BAK icacls %systemroot%\System32\WPA.BAK /grant administrators:F echo Backing up original files ... ::Backing up original files ren "%windir%\system32\WPA.DBL" "WPA.DBL.BAK1" ren "%windir%\system32\WPA.BAK" "WPA.BAK.BAK1" echo Copying WPA.DBL and WPA.BAK to %windir%\system32\ ... ::Copy job xcopy "%~dp0WPA.DBL" "%windir%\system32\" /Q /Y xcopy "%~dp0WPA.BAK" "%windir%\system32\" /Q /Y ENDLOCAL exit To add some safety added backup of original files .