@xinso ok, i read many times @Stackoverflow that the findstr command in buggy in some cases, it seems that this is one of them, - when the files comparison exceeds 9 lines the findstr command fails. The solution is very simple, we create our own comparison function/sub-routine: Code: for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%A in ('type "%temp%\Af.txt"') do (find "%%A" "%temp%\Be.txt" >nul 2>&1 || set IX=%%A) echo %IX% pause output: Code: Index=16 full documentation of the findstr command is here @StackOverflow (credits to dbenham @Stackoverflow for this amazing detailed documentation) try it and tell me the results .
Yeh. Very nice. Code: :NO :-------------------------------------- :Thanks to Wk-952's instruction wmic path Win32_NetworkAdapter get Index /%FL% | findstr /i Index > "%temp%\Be.txt" type "%temp%\Be.txt" pause if defined Y (call:DT "%RT%\%DIR%\%INF%") else (call:CT "%KQ%\%OA%\OemVista.inf") wmic path Win32_NetworkAdapter get Index /%FL% | findstr /i Index > "%temp%\Af.txt" type "%temp%\AF.txt" pause for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%A in ('type "%temp%\Af.txt"') do (find "%%A" "%temp%\Be.txt" >nul 2>&1 || set IX=%%A) echo %IX% pause Code: Index=0 Index=1 Index=2 Index=3 Index=4 Index=5 Index=6 Index=7 Index=8 Index=9 Index=10 Index=11 Index=12 Index=13 Index=14 Index=15 Index=17 Index=18 Index=19 Index=20 Index=21 Press any key to continue . . . Index=0 Index=1 Index=2 Index=3 Index=4 Index=5 Index=6 Index=7 Index=8 Index=9 Index=10 Index=11 Index=12 Index=13 Index=14 Index=15 Index=16 Index=17 Index=18 Index=19 Index=20 Index=21 Press any key to continue . . . Index=16 Press any key to continue . . . Note: wmic nic allows 3, and wmic path Win32_NetworkAdapter allows 8. Solved at last. Don't know how to thank you. You are so nice and kind. Thanks, Wk-952.
@ Wk-952 Here's a list of PNPDeviceID together with InstallTimeStamp Code: ROOT\NET\0000=DE070900050013000300280014006002 ROOT\NET\0001=DE070900050013000300340036008601 ROOT\NET\0002=DE070900050013000300280018004601 ROOT\NET\0003=DE07090005001300030028001B006903 ROOT\NET\0006=DE0709000500130003002B000100CA00 ROOT\NET\0023=DE070900050013000300360032006B03 ROOT\NET\0024=DE07090005001300030039000B00BA03 ROOT\NET\0028=DE0709000500130003003A0031008102 ROOT\NET\0032=DE070900050013000400050020002E03 ROOT\NET\0033=DE07090005001300040006000F00A701 ROOT\NET\0034=DE0709000500130004000F0012007D03 Do you think it would be quicker to determine the most recent installed device thru InstallTimeStamp? How to revert it to readable and comparable output format and find out the Biggest Number? like Code: C:\Windows\system32>WMIC OS GET InstallDate InstallDate 20140901020313.000000+480 Thanks. Edit: Before.txt Code: ROOT\NET\0001=DE070900050013000C002B0000005B03 ROOT\NET\0002=DE070900050013000C002B0003001001 ROOT\NET\0003=DE070900050013000C002B0006005A03 After.txt Code: ROOT\NET\0000=DE070900050013000D001C001B009800 ROOT\NET\0001=DE070900050013000C002B0000005B03 ROOT\NET\0002=DE070900050013000C002B0003001001 ROOT\NET\0003=DE070900050013000C002B0006005A03 Is Number and Alphabet in a string comparable ? If yes, could we simply manage to list the biggest one?
@xinso EDIT: when i converted this to decimal format i got a very long and weird number (eg: DE070900050013000300280014006002 ---> 2227905019030400200962), so i kept searching for a hex to decimal converter but they all gave the same sumber sorry i don't know how convert this, but we can find another way. first what's the command you used to get this output: Code: ... ROOT\NET\0001=DE070900050013000300340036008601 ROOT\NET\0002=DE070900050013000300280018004601 ROOT\NET\0003=DE07090005001300030028001B006903 ...
Code: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class\{4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0041] "InstallTimeStamp"=hex:de,07,09,00,05,00,13,00,04,00,0f,00,12,00,7d,03 Code: @ECHO OFF pushd "%~dp0" set FL=format:list for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%A in ('"wmic nic where ServiceName='tap0901' get PNPDeviceID /%FL%"') do (call:GITS "%%A" "Be") type Be.txt pause :GITS for /f "tokens=7 delims=\" %%A in ('reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}" /s /d /v /f %~1') do %E0% (set PTH=%%A) for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %%A in ('reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\%PTH%" /v InstallTimeStamp') do %E0% (set ITS=%%A) echo %~1=%ITS% >> %~2.txt goto:eof ROOT\NET\xxxx is for reference to fetch exact TAP Index of the most recent InstallTimeStamp found If possible, then bingo. 1. Install a new TAP 2. List and fetch the right InstallTimeStamp 3. Fetch the Index for the TAP 4. Set IP/MASK ... Done Edit: Get Index and InstallTimeStamp at a time Code: @ECHO OFF pushd "%~dp0" set FL=format:list for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%A in ('"wmic nic where ServiceName='tap0901' get PNPDeviceID /%FL%"') do (call:GITS %%A) type Index_InstallTimeStamp.txt pause :GITS for /f "tokens=7 delims=\" %%A in ('reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}" /s /d /v /f %~1') do %E0% (set IDX=%%A) for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %%A in ('reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\%IDX%" /v InstallTimeStamp') do %E0% (set ITS=%%A) echo %IDX%=%ITS% >> Index_InstallTimeStamp.txt goto:eof Code: 0000=DE070900050013000D001C001B009800 0004=DE070900050013000C002B0000005B03 0009=DE070900050013000C002B0003001001 0010=DE070900050013000C002B0006005A03 Note: 0, 4, 9, 10 in 00xx is the Index number. And 0 is the TAP we are after. But I don't know yet how to get it without 0.
@xinso if you want to remove the leading zeros for example in (00047) use this function: (before this command line: echo %IDX%=%ITS% >> Index_InstallTimeStamp.txt) Code: :Trunc_loop set "_tst=%IDX:~0,1%" if "%_tst%"=="0" if not "%IDX%"=="0" (set "IDX=%IDX:~1%"&goto :Trunc_loop) echo %IDX% output: Code: 47 and for this cryptic time-stamp i can't find a solution, sorry i'll keep searching until i find a solution.
Thanks. And wait, Wk-952. Look Code: if DE070900050013000D001C001B009800 GTR DE070900050013000C002B0006005A03 (echo BIGGER) pause if DE070900050013000C002B0006005A03 GTR DE070900050013000C002B0003001001 (echo BIGGER) pause if DE070900050013000C002B0003001001 GTR DE070900050013000C002B0000005B03 (echo BIGGER) pause if DE070900050013000C002B0000005B03 LSS DE070900050013000C002B0003001001 (echo SMALLER) pause if DE070900050013000C002B0003001001 LSS DE070900050013000C002B0006005A03 (echo SMALLER) pause if DE070900050013000C002B0006005A03 LSS DE070900050013000D001C001B009800 (echo SMALLER) pause Code: BIGGER Press any key to continue . . . BIGGER Press any key to continue . . . BIGGER Press any key to continue . . . SMALLER Press any key to continue . . . SMALLER Press any key to continue . . . SMALLER Press any key to continue . . . True or false? Wk-952, please don't keep it in mind. It's OK with me. Thanks. (I'll come back and feedback if I found a solution.)
@xinso TRUE!, based on results from http://www.asciitohex.com/ (put a space after each 2 characters eg: DE070900050013000D001C001B009800 ---> DE 07 09 00 05 00 13 00 0D 00 1C 00 1B 00 98 00) from the help page of if command: Code: where compare-op may be one of: EQU - equal NEQ - not equal LSS - less than LEQ - less than or equal GTR - greater than GEQ - greater than or equal and the /I switch, if specified, says to do case insensitive string compares. The /I switch can also be used on the string1==string2 form of IF. These comparisons are generic, in that if both string1 and string2 are both comprised of all numeric digits, then the strings are converted to numbers and a numeric comparison is performed. Nice finding xinso, i guess this is why it works despite the fact that not every character is numeric. EDIT: of course i'm not very sure of the website's credibility, so if we couldn't find an alternative solution you might want to do many severe comparison tests to make sure that it's not just luck. again very sorry i couldn't help this time
Hi All, I'd like to do command lines to remove the following lines from hosts file located in C:\WINDOWS\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts instead I have to do manually. lmlicenses.wip4.adobe.com lm.licenses.adobe.com Please help me do this. Thanks for your help and concern.
@sanjose Save this as a .bat file and run as admin, also make sure to pause your anti-virus since they oppose any changes to the hosts file. Spoiler Code: @echo off setlocal enableExtensions disableDelayedExpansion color 3f :getInput echo Type a semi-colon separated list of the unwanted strings set /p "strings=> " || goto :getInput :getFile set "inputFile=%windir%\System32\drivers\etc\hosts" set "inputFile=%inputFile:"=%" set "inputFile=%inputFile:/=\%" if "%inputFile:~-1%"=="\" set "inputFile=%inputFile:~0,-1%" call :chkIF_file_exist || (cls & goto :getFile) call :getOrgAttrib call :getOrgNameExtension "%inputFile%" :getTmpFolder set "tmpOutputFile=%temp%\_tmpWriteFile_" set "tmpOutputFile=%tmpOutputFile:"=%" set "tmpOutputFile=%tmpOutputFile:/=\%" if "%tmpOutputFile:~-1%"=="\" set "tmpOutputFile=%tmpOutputFile:~0,-1%" call :chkIF_folder_exist "%tmpOutputFile%" || (cls & goto :getTmpFolder) :read_write attrib -r -s -h +a "%inputFile%" 1>nul 2>&1 for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%A in ('type "%inputFile%"') do ( set "currentLine=%%~A" call :isLineForbidden || ( setlocal enableDelayedExpansion (echo !currentLine!) 1>>"%tmpOutputFile%" endLocal ) ) if exist "%tmpOutputFile%" move /y "%tmpOutputFile%" "%orgDir%" 1>nul 2>&1 if exist "%inputFile%" del /f /q "%inputFile%" 1>nul 2>&1 if exist "%orgDir%_tmpWriteFile_" rename "%orgDir%_tmpWriteFile_" "%orgNameExt%" 1>nul 2>&1 if exist "%inputFile%" attrib %orgAttribs% "%inputFile%" 1>nul 2>&1 if exist "%tmpOutputFile%" del /f /q "%tmpOutputFile%" 1>nul 2>&1 goto :end :isLineForbidden set /a n=0 :enum_loop set "forbiddenLine=<-|null|->" set /a n+=1 for /f "tokens=%n% delims=;" %%A in ("%strings%") do ( set "forbiddenLine=%%~A" setlocal enableDelayedExpansion if /i "!currentLine!"=="!forbiddenLine!" (endlocal & exit /b 0) endLocal ) setlocal enableDelayedExpansion if not "!forbiddenLine!"=="<-|null|->" (endlocal & goto :enum_loop) endlocal exit /b 1 :getOrgNameExtension set "orgDir=%~dp1" set "orgNameExt=%~nx1" exit /b :getOrgAttrib set "r=-r" set "a=-a" set "s=-s" set "h=-h" set "i=-i" set "x=-x" set /a n=0 :attr_loop set "tstLine=<-|null|->" set /a n+=1 for /f "tokens=%n% delims= " %%A in ('attrib "%inputFile%"') do ( set "tstLine=%%~A" if /i "%%~A"=="r" ( set "r=+r" ) else if /i "%%~A"=="a" ( set "a=+a" ) else if /i "%%~A"=="s" ( set "s=+s" ) else if /i "%%~A"=="h" ( set "h=+h" ) else if /i "%%~A"=="i" ( set "i=+i" ) else if /i "%%~A"=="x" (set "x=+x") ) if not "%tstLine%"=="<-|null|->" goto :attr_loop set "orgAttribs=%r% %a% %s% %h% %i% %x%" exit /b :chkIF_file_exist set /a err=0 dir "%inputFile%*" /b /a:-d 1>nul 2>&1 || ( set /a err=1 echo: echo xx_[The specified file doesn't exist]_xx echo: set /p =Press "Enter" to continue... ) exit /b %err% :chkIF_folder_exist set /a err=0 set "tmpFolder=%~dp1" if "%tmpFolder:~-1%"=="\" set "tmpFolder=%tmpFolder:~0,-1%" dir "%tmpFolder%\*" /b /a:d 1>nul 2>&1 || ( set /a err=1 echo: echo xx_[The specified folder doesn't exist]_xx echo: set /p =Press "Enter" to continue... ) exit /b %err% :end echo: set /p =Done...Press "Enter" to exit endLocal Your input would be: Code: lmlicenses.wip4.adobe.com; lm.licenses.adobe.com This is not a direct search and replace script as you wished, instead it writes the same file again without the undesired lines. You can also use this script for other files, just change this line (red part): Code: set "inputFile=%windir%\System32\drivers\etc\hosts" to the full path of the target file (without a backslash at the end) Edit: one last thing might be important to you, any empty lines will be ignored (empty lines will be lost). Edit 2: updated script to be able to handle files with some special characters (%, ^, &, ...)
@wk-952 Thanks a lot for your help and concern. As you said, the input would be " lmlicenses.wip4.adobe.com; lm.licenses.adobe.com" but if my imput as follows: lmlicenses.wip4.adobe.com lm.licenses.adobe.com Does this .bat file work also ? or Do I have to correct the command lines again ? Thanks again, Bro.
@sanjose the script takes the input strings separated by semi-colons only, it can't take inputs separated by a new line.
I'm afraid, that even though this is a batch file Topic, I would suggest you use a powershell script if possible, and instead of deleting/removing lines, just comment them out. Here are two powershell scripts for you: 1. CmntOut.ps1 - comments out the lines you mentioned. Code: $hostsPath = "$env:windir\System32\drivers\etc\HOSTS" $hosts = get-content $hostsPath $hosts | Foreach {if ($_ -match '^\s*([^#].*?licenses.*adobe\.com\b)') {"# " + $matches[1]} else {$_}} | Out-File $hostsPath -enc ascii 2. UnComnt.ps1 - uncomments your lines again. Code: $hostsPath = "$env:windir\System32\drivers\etc\HOSTS" $hosts = get-content $hostsPath $hosts | Foreach {if ($_ -match '^\s*#\s*(.*?licenses.*adobe\.com\b)') {$matches[1]} else {$_}} | Out-File $hostsPath -enc ascii Due to the location of the HOSTS file I would suggest that you would probably need to run the scripts as Administrator.
@Compo Thanks for your help and suggestion. I do not ever run powershell before. Can you write a command lines if possible please. Thanks in advance.
I'm afraid I don't understand your question, my intention was that you copied and pasted the code into a blank notepad page and 'save as' the name I gave. Then you invoke the script assuming that you have an appropriate execution policy.
@Compo I Copied and Save it as CmntOut.ps1 and then run as admin .... It does not remove the following line out of hosts file. anything that I have to correct, bro ? lmlicenses.wip4.adobe.com lm.licenses.adobe.com Thanks
The easiest way to run this which is in keeping with the Topic is to create a one line batch file Code: @Powershell -C "X:\PathTo\CmntOut.ps1" right click on the batch file and run as administrator
Try following command. I added rem del hosts.txt command at last. You can delete rem to delete the file hosts.txt. Otherwise it will remain as backup copy. @echo off cd %systemroot%\System32\ ren hosts hosts.txt findstr /v /i /c:"lmlicenses.wip4.adobe.com" /c:"lm.licenses.adobe.com" hosts.txt >hosts rem del hosts.txt