Telling me outright that my code doesn't work and 'laughing out loud' is what I'd perceive as rude. That said if you read the remit provided in the challenge, it stated Therefore you need to provide the batch file with that argument, (parameter). If you just double click the script then it will not receive an argument and will close the window by design. In order to receive an argument the invoker needs to provide one and the instructions for doing so are provided in very simple form above. I could add a question to the beginning of the file asking you to provide the required single integer in order to save you from having to do the less than laborious task of opening a console window all by yourself, but since it does not add anything to the script in response to the challenge then it is not my intention to do so. Unless you have a considerably smaller than usual console window size, (usually eighty characters wide), the diamond is not going to extend beyond its extents. A console window of only twelve characters wide should be sufficient to properly display the largest diamond, (nine), allowed by the script.
At MDL we are not serious and we have fun. So me being amused at this coding stuff was not rude just playing Sounds like you got it covered then I'm just trying to learn and I had seen that challenge for several months and thought the console had to have diamond in just by running bat file And again remember I'm the only one who tried it so please recognize that cause I wanted to see you accomplish your goal not anything else Respect
I've decided that it order to satisfy the curious who are a little intimidated by opening a Command Prompt window, navigating to a location and typing a command to make it a simple double click the script process. The code is the same, I've just added three more lines in order to ask the invoker directly for the number parameter. Just extract Diamond2.cmd from the zip file and double-click it to run it. View attachment
Very interesting code. I'm a beginner and your code will help me a lot to understand the basics (like MasterDisaster said): Display message -- ECHO Use Variables -- SET Conditional Statements -- IF Looping Statements -- FOR Thank you.
So you see we have a beginner following here at MDL so your "adjustment" is really appropriate for those who are "intimidated" Here is a project that I started a couple months ago if your interested I am working on the IR5 installation part which I'm sure you'll see in the last few pages See you
Need simple cut/copy/xcopy code To move C:\MPC.bat to H:MPC.bat I'm doing this so MPC users don't have to reboot into windows to move MPC.bat to what actual drive the recovery console says local drive is Maybe I should use move cmd Anyone care to do some teaching on the CD cmd and copy/move so we can learn Then I will link to first post as Batch file repo teaching Thanks
So I guess this works Code: move c:\MPC.bat "h:\MPC.bat" Anyone else want's to teach some cmd's please do so For instance how to view stuff in certain drive? Folders, files, etc... Or how search for file on all drives? Thanks
Both tasks in IR5 and IORRT run hidden Code: >NUL Code: schtasks /create /tn "IORRT" /tr "%SystemDrive%\IORRT\IORRT.bat" /sc %daily% /mo 1 /ru "" >NUL Code: schtasks /create /tn "IR5" /tr "'%SystemDrive%\Windows\system32\cmd.exe' /c cscript.exe /b %SystemDrive%\Windows\System32\slmgr.vbs /rearm && net stop sppsvc && net start sppsvc" /sc daily /mo 30 /ru "" /f >NUL Trilogy 2.8 is a really good way to learn how many cmds work
Please give me an example for this code Code: @ Echo off Del "C:\Users\UVJOHNAIS\Desktop\WINNTBBU.DLL"
Don't forget to say please Code: @Echo off Del "C:\Users\Uvais\Desktop\WINNTBBU.DLL" >NUL pause If file is not there to avoid error being shown try this Code: @Echo off Del "C:\Users\Uvais\Desktop\WINNTBBU.DLL" 2> nul pause Again! Trilogy is great learning tool to see these cmds and exactly how they work dude
Then how are you going to run them? This is why I gave you tasks which can be set to run any batch file hidden And why does it matter if cmds are hidden if cmd prompt is hidden If you remove the pause it won't stay open after cmd's are run
Use a VBScript : Code: CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run "C:\whateveryournameis.bat", 0, False I'm pretty sure you could already find it here at MDL (... if you'd search) ... but, first of all, There's in Trilogy Code too...
Are you even listening at all to what I post or just posting Tasks can be run at startup...dah Code: schtasks /create /tn "Hybrid" /tr "%SystemDrive%\IORRT\IORRT.bat" /sc onstart /ru "" >NUL
Sending BATCH variables over a network? Bit of a challenge here for the batch file gurus.. I'm trying to find a way to send batch file variables ranging from a few alphanumeric characters up to several hundred, over a network preferably using the TCP protocol, and capture them at the other end as variables in another batch file. Now scouring the net, I see vague references to people doing similar things by calling Winsock, but all those that I've found so far seem to be fairly elderly approaches from the Windows98/NT days, so I'm wondering (using contemporary XP/2003/vista/7 flavors of MS Windows), is there a reasonably elegant way to pull this off? Helper programs shouldn't be a problem as long as they're not bound by crazy licences, as are powershell scripts, but I'm trying to find a way without involving VB and high level language stuff. Suggestions?
Hi, I was working on opening up hosts file and viewing Code: notepad "%SystemDrive%\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts" But I wanted to have it close also Code: TASKKILL /S system /F /IM notepad.exe /T I can set delay fine between the two just can't close hosts file automatically Any help? Thanks