I've tested both Start is Back and Classic Shell, I prefer Classic Shell because it is more customizable.
In this world every one of us have a personal way of using a PC, so it's impossible for a little bunch of employees (little respect all the world) satisfies the demands of all users, also those of who complain for some stupid tiles (but at this point do well to not to do), so it's totally useless crying like for Windows 7, when maybe you are the first that when it come out the first time were skeptical like today, one because this behaviour makes you ridicolous, and second because makes you also boring. Want to make the geeks for the rest of your life (because the real reason is this)? Install linux and stop with this staging, no one will regret for your choice. The same applies to T-S and your answers by crafty (or if you prefer: answears like one that is part of a minority). However I have finished taking part in these uselessness, see to between of you, given that I have no problems to using a PC Edit: And add that in the last period many UI styles have appeared in windows, so it is normal to have problems in creating a unified environment, which is the basis of a closed source os, the unique thing that you can do it's helping.
Ya except I'm the geek who can just put an oem pack on any windows iso I want and have it load everything up for me. Your argument is completely invalid. People are use to norms on a computer and Windows has had a start menu since Windows 95 up until recently as of 2009 with Windows 7. This means that the time taken between Windows 7 and Windows 10 is about 6 years. It means it took 4 years for Microsoft to realize that Windows 8 was a complete mistake. It also means in terms of naming their products that they thought Windows 8 was a complete mistake. They did not want the next iteration of windows to be compared with Windows 8 because of this. Now regarding Windows as a whole. Everyone has their own customizations they do however in terms of usability for a user a start menu is very very helpful. I have made it the norm to use a start menu on Windows 8 and 8.1 I have some hope that Microsoft will make a functional start menu for Windows 10. However if it becomes necessary I can always pre-load classic shell into Windows using an oem pack that will even slip stream the classic shell settings into place lol. (yawns) When I want windows to be my bitch it does not take much effort.
True. False XP retained the W9x start menu as option, and is still plenty of users who like and use it. Win 95 and NT retained even the Progman from win 3.11, to help the transition. They started to force people with Vista. In vista you can't have the XP style menu, if you like it. (hence the needs of classic shell) and they still have to understand that was a mistake. A mistake repeated with a bigger order of magnitude in win 8 Choice is the magic word that made windows widespread, choice is the magic word that made Android the most used mobile system in few years. It's just incredible that MS forget it. And no, this is not a MS coder's fault, this is a wrong decisions from the company leaders. In a much smaller scale the same mistake was made by Opera. The result and few day ago Opera SW fired all the historical team (70 people). They failed to please their historical user base, they failed to attract users from the competitors. MS is advised the scale is smaller, the mistake is just the same.
I just installed 5 programs in build 10061 and I don't see them (shortcuts) anywhere in this "New" Start Menu ??? And whenever I use Crowtana to search for them it sends me to Bing (bling-bling) Webpage????????????? P.S. The only way I could start these programs is to navigate to the Program Files Folder and look for the .exe file. <pathetic>
Lmao, the fact that this issue is still ongoing saddens me to how simple minded people act that don't want to learn anything new and/or is scared of change.
IF you are on 10061 all you need to do is hit "All Apps" right between power and start button good grief And Cortana hasn't been optimized to open stuff within windows yet, i did suggest it in the feedback app but other stupid things are more important like making Windows 10 look like Windows 7 its 2015 people.
Yes because changing to a minimalistic operating system which has almost no usability in terms of a simple way to open programs is an overtly antiquated concept. Hell even Apple uses a launcher. Am I so simple minded that the very idea of having a simplistic way of opening programs via a start menu is antiquated? I mean realistically is such an Idea simple minded? Can I ask if the projects I do here and threads I post are they simple minded?
what's taking them so long is that they try to find a way to force their metro stuff down everyones throats if they just build a system that gives us what we want nobody will ever bother with metro apps and no devs will build apps for their store instead of tricking people into using and building s**tty metro apps they should come up with something that is not s**tty so people might want to use it without being tricked or forced
you are simple minded in brushing away our arguments by calling us simple minded and unwilling to learn! i'm very willing to learn but only if it is worth it people are getting dumber and dumber, you can see it everywhere and for those of us that still remember systems you can work with efficiently it's impossible to eat the same dull grass as the rest of you sheep
Most windows users got over it while the very few still complain about it and spam MS feedback with a menu that is 6 years old, have you tried build 10061 its amazing and efficient... is it really hard to learn something new that takes 5 minutes to learn that ironically does the same thing as a Windows 7 menu next thing you know people will want kernel 6.1 back haha. EDIT Thank the lord for 3rd party apps i guess, i'm not trying to rag on you personally im ragging on it as a whole its just stupid i want windows to move forward, not go back to the past. (Which they are doing a great job in not doing)
@d1glow, Duh! I would not be complaining about simple functional stuff like this if I had not frustratingly looked all over this "New Start Menu" including that "All frinkin' Apps" thingy that you seem think that I would be stupid enough not to notice and IT'S NOT THERE EITHER???????????? <Good Grief back to you>
I agree, but dumbing down just because most people have can't be the way. Moving forward means improvements and not the opposite! In a way you can see that because they realized that their vision of no controls doesn't really work which is why we have now menus back in most metro apps. Sure apps are easier when there are no options but that doesn't really make them better, because we're not all the same and some people like to have options. When I install a new build, I try for a while to use the built in crap but it feels like i'm disabled and i have to switch to vlc and the old windows image viewer. Whenever I open an image with the new metro app it takes at least 5 to 10 seconds until it shows the image. The normal viewer doesnt even need a second. Did they fix that in 10061? If yes I might try again.
Some people have so "simple mind" that think that the start menu comes from 20 years of evolution and from 15+ years of crossed contamination with KDE, Gnome, MacOS and so on. When something is near perfect further evolution is just not needed. Sharks stopped to evolve 100000 years ago, just because they are perfect for their environment. But likely you can suggest that a cube shaped body would be a great novelty for sharks.
If you cant deal with the new system, you just stick to Win 7. If you're actually using Win 8 & 10, you'd better get used to the new things.