Best OS for gaming?

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Evil V, Nov 3, 2018.


Best OS for gaming?

  1. Windows 10

  2. Windows 8.1

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  1. murphy78

    murphy78 MDL DISM Enthusiast

    Nov 18, 2012
    Sadly, these days computer gaming is getting so expensive because of crypto miners that I can't in good conscience recommend any OS for gaming over just buying a PS5 or something.
    About 7-10 years ago you could buy a computer that had identical processing power to the current console for the same amount of money. That just isn't possible anymore. Games are so poorly optimized for PC and highly optimized for consoles. Meanwhile, the console companies sell them at a loss so that they can make up the profits over the game profit split. Computers are becoming very inefficient at being devices for playing games because of the gpu/system memory split as well. It really doesn't make much sense to be loading a game into memory, then into gpu memory, then unloading and reloading things because the gpu manufacturers never put enough memory in the cards.

    If you were to use a pc for gaming, I'd still recommend using win10 ltsb, but it would be a lot more expensive than a console. The GPU alone would probably cost more than a console.
  2. Filipe Tolhuizen

    Filipe Tolhuizen MDL Junior Member

    Aug 20, 2023
    Win7 x64 with winevdm (otvdm) + MacOS 9.2.1 or 8.6 + 9.2.2 dual-boot. The latter is required for some video cards to work.