I also had a success story with my T500. Bricked and would only beep when powered on (2 short, 1 long, repeat). This process documented by psih128 does indeed work. I would only add that when I flashed my laptop, I had to find a 1gb stick (my 4gb would not work) and I had to make a quick build of Windows xp32 to get the utilities to build the stick (my win7 x64 would not load the drivers necessary for wincrisis). Upon boot to the wincrisis created boot stick, and my extracted wpl from e_bcpvpw.exe (with command "E_bcpvpw.exe C:\temp\6FET84WW\$01B8300.FL1 C:\temp\bios.wpl"), I only got beeps, continual, and at random intervals (I hit the mute button on the pc and let it do what it needed to do). In a short time the pc turned off. I turned it on, it let me go to bios, I reset it to factory default, and it let me boot. Thanks guys! Thanks psih128!!!
Have you tried to extract the BIOS image from the EXE file using "Universal Extractor"? Where can I download the BIOS update file? I want to take a look, maybe I can extract it for you. Some notebook can be a bit "talkative". No way to decipher the beeps code unless there is a description about it in the computer service manual. Normally it just mean something is going wrong (in this case corrupted BIOS) which prevent your computer from booting normally. You need to relax & pay attention. It is normal for LED indicator at USB flash drive to blinks because it reads the content of the USB flash drive. When it finished reading & loading the BIOS image (to memory I guess), the LED indicator will stop blinking. At this time, BIOS flash (recovery) process is in progress. This is why you need to relax & pay attention. Most people will start pressing the power button when LED indicator stop blinking. To make sure, just let it run for 15 minutes before pressing the power button. One more thing...DON'T press any key during the recovery process. You can use other tools to format the floppy drive. I'm also not so sure that the floppy drive need to be bootable. If the USB flash drive doesn't work, you may need to use floppy drive. If the BIOS image is too big, create CRISIS disk using floppy disk with option "Compress The Bin File" selected.
HI kizwan, 1st of all, thanks for reply, I matrix told me how to extract BIOS image,( in temp folder running .exe in VMWare,) and i have downloaded all version .exe bios update files and extracted .ROM files from .exe for version 103,104,106,108 and latest 111 bios. my model no. is T5010 A1F. for the link : support.fujitsupc.co m/CS/Portal/support.do?srch=DOWNLOADS then notebook-tseries-t5010 ( A1F only). From other forum, i understood when the bios is read and then flashed and i have already patiently left laptop for 30 mins after i start, I think my real problem is not having .WPH file, only .WPH file i have came across for T5010 is in Imatrix' reply with 2.1 slic keys modified, Oh also i found .iso image of bios on UK counterpart of fujitsu website( just had to change country) even extracting that .ISO with R-studio ( thanks to black dog on other forum) it gives me .ROM too, .WPH is no where to be found. I would ask Imatrix where did he find it, in mean time if you can figure out that would be so great
It just an extensions. Phoenix BIOS image usually use either .ROM or .WPH. For BIOS recovery, CRISIS disk use phlash16.exe to flash BIOS. phlash16.exe by default will be searching for BIOS.WPH file. This means, you will need rename your BIOS image from XXXX.ROM or XXXX.WPH to BIOS.WPH. If you already renamed the BIOS image to BIOS.WPH & you created the CRISIS disk using USB flash drive but it doesn't work (already wait for 30 minutes but nothing happen), you may need to use floppy drive. This means you will need to use USB floppy drive.
thanks for that info, I also tried creating usb bootable floppy but it fails to copy ( after selecting compress .bin) to floppy, i think its because it not big enough space on floppy drive, oe more question after digging more and more on fujitsu website i found under bios section of T5010 .bup file which is only 1.24 MB ( hopefully would fit on USB). Do you know if that will be helpful to create bootable floppy?
hello, i really want help, i have a dv6807us and i have tried all the methods to recovery bios and nothing..., i have usb floppy and floppies, usb flash drive, i have test both 2 methods and nothing.., i have phoenix bios, can sb help me? thanks in advance and sorry for my english
I don't know about the .bup file. Have you tried with SD card or CD-R? Make sure you use latest version of phlash16.exe. Make sure you use latest version of phlash16.exe.
AMI BIOS flash failed Hello, I flashed the AMI BIOS of an Acer Veriton M460 with a modified SLIC 2.1-BIOS. The flash utility contains the files afudos.exe, afu.bat and the ROM file. The unmodified afu.bat file contained . I changed it to . /P means "Program main bios image", /C "Destroy CMOS after update BIOS done" and /X "Do not check ROM ID". I left the /B parameter out because it means "Program Boot Block" and I wanted to keep it so I can recover the BIOS. /X was necessary because without it afudos.exe complaint that the ROM ID doesn't match. Now I can't boot my computer. When the computer starts it beeps and after 1-2 seconds it beeps again. On the screen appears the text When I press F1 the BIOS setup screen appears and I can configure the BIOS settings. When I leave the BIOS setup (no matter if save or discard settings) the computer reboots with the same behaviour and all settings are reset to default values. I tried the AMIBOOT.ROM-recovery. But when I press Ctrl and home key the screen switches to standby mode and nothing happens (no disk access, no beeps). When the BIOS is in recovery mode I can't power off the computer by pressing the power button. I have to hold the button for a couple of seconds and then it powers off. I tried recovery with an internal floppy drive, an external floppy drive, an internal CD drive and a USB flash drive but nothing works. Do you have any ideas how I can recover my BIOS?
You can access your computer, so you don't need to use CRISIS disk to recover BIOS. BIOS recovery with CRISIS disk is only suitable for computer which failed to boot, no POST at all. Have you tried flashing BIOS with the original BIOS image in DOS?
I solved the problem: I disconnected all external devices (screen and keyboard). Then I rebooted and suddenly the computer booted from floppy
Add some info for gigabyte mobo (especially old one) If u try to recover gigabyte mobo, check if u have award or amy bios etc, why I'm telling u this becuz gigabyte use third party flashing software, for some example in gigabyte ga-k8ns rev 2.0 the flashing tools is amy flashing tools (flash895.exe) but the bios manufactured is award, so the recovery procedure must use award recovery.
hello..., can sb to extract the bios file that i have to use from this setup? because have 2 files inside and i dont know the right(i go to vacations tommorow so if you can do this for me today i really send you a beer ) thank you and sorry for my english edit: please pm me to send you the link because forum didnt allow me because i dont have more than 20 posts, thank you
Hello! What method needs to be used for recovery BIOS of notebook HP Pavilion dv6-2025er? What at it BIOS? I download BIOS from hp.com and renamed 363CF1A.bin to bios.wph I made a bootable USB drive file using the CrisDisk download and copied those files to a USB drive, inserted in my laptop, held the Win+B work on the dv6-2025, and turned on the power. But happens nothing that I do not so. Reversal to USB happens. Please help!!!
Hi, can someone tell me... once you have successfully upgrade your bios to slic 2.1. It will not be able to downgrade back to slic 2.0? I was trying to get back to slic 2.0 after upgrading it to 2.1 using my manufacturer old bios update and flash successfully. But i still see slic 2.1 in my bios. Please advise...
hello I have a hp 6535b with corrupt bios light comes on hard disk every 3 seconds and also the cdrom, plus delivery no sound or video try the methods of the first page, the four methods but nothing works I have a bios that is called 68GTT.BIN how I can repair the bios? This is a Phoenix bios or not? In addition to testing the combination of keys will not turn on the light pendrive