Bios Recovery Procedures

Discussion in 'BIOS Mods' started by petar, May 9, 2008.

  1. shahin

    shahin MDL Novice

    Jul 16, 2009
    thinkpad T61 with a bad flash won't boot to OS. I can still get into bios and save settings.
    I tried crisis disk, and bootable bios cd with FN + F, B, or R key when powering on and it did not work.
    Also tried ChipMax2 eprom, chip, or bios burner (very time consuming) and that did not work.
    I have no passwords in my BIOS. I am currently considering buying a BIOS chip programmed already for T61 from ebay. But I have doubt that it will work because of the signature in BIOS. Plus I have to but a new soldering iron for this job because my old one is too big.

    Anybody know a solution for T60 or T61 please let me know.
  2. ippytattoo

    ippytattoo MDL Senior Member

    Jul 17, 2008
    When you try to boot into the os do you get something along the lines of hal.dll file missing or corrupt error? I have seen this in the past after a bios flash and had to repair the windows installation. Also check your boot order in the BIOS to make sure you are trying to boot from the HDD that has your os on it. Seeing as you can get into the BIOS and save settings etc. it does not seem to me that it is a problem with the bios but rather a problem with the os.
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  3. fermartz

    fermartz MDL Novice

    Aug 18, 2009
    Crisis Recovery Bios HP DV 6000 ( AMD & Nvidia GPU)

    It took me 3 days but i finaly made it :worthy:

    Here it is the Step by step on Windows 7 x64

    For a HP DV6000 (dv6220xx) AMD CPU with Nvidia GPU

    First Tools you need.

    On this thread you can find all that you need..

    -1 USB Stick (i used kingston 2GB)
    - Winrar or some Unzipping program.

    (You need to Navigate to your exacts models page Support download area and download all the available biosupdates you find for your model..The older The better)

    Create a folder name Bios,
    Inside create 2 folders, 1 folder Named WPH and the other named Wincrisis. (download wincrisis and Unzip it here in side the wincrisis folder)

    Inside the WPH Folder create as many folders as Bios updates you download.
    You will need to Name each folder as the Bios version # so you don't get your
    WPH files all miixed up...

    Next You need to Right click on the .EXE you downloaded on each bios file and select the Extract here OPTION.

    You will see loads of files... LOOK For a .WPH file e.g. 306f42.wph
    (If you see a .FD file then i don't assure you this will work for you
    but you can always try i have found loads of threads that state that it is the same)

    Now that .WPH file RENAME IT all capitals BIOS.WPH (and go to each folder of all the different bios versions you downloaded)

    Now the USB... Insert it and format it to FS(file system) FAT and everything else leave as default..

    Go to wincrisis folder and delete the BIOS.WPH and replace it with the Oldest Bios update file you downloaded previously already renamed BIOS.WPH
    (copy paste it)

    Right click on WINCRISIS.exe and Select RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR.
    if you did everything in my list then Wincrisis will automatically detect your USB
    and grayed out all the options and just select the REMOVABLE option, (any other option leave unchecked)

    Make sure you have no other thing plugged on USB ports... then Click create

    It will create and store all the needed files (PHLASH16,BIOS.WPH and minidos.sys) NOTHING ELSE...

    it will pop a windows asking to re plug your USB (unplug it and replug it back in ) ones its pluged and detected by windows... click OK and then Click NO on the next windows asking you if you want to create another disk...

    After This get ready to REVIVE...

    I think you know all the procedures from here...

    NO BATTERY, no AC nothing plugged..

    1.Insert usb...
    2.then press (your combination of keys depnding on model)
    WINdows KEY and B (for my model)

    3.PLUG IN the AC... COUNT to 4... then without releasing ANY BUTTON...

    4.PRESS POWERR... you will hear CONSTANT BEEPS And very important
    you will see the LED flashing from USB meaning is beeing read...
    5. Take your hand of the keyboard////

    (if you only see a Small light flash from the usb and then stops, you did something wrong)

    In my case the Laptop Started beeping in a non consecutive pattern..
    Loads of BEEPS not 2 or 3 beeeping constatly..
    I left it there until it shot down it self.... and voila :)

    TIPS... If you get diferent sounds after the beeping like...

    Speakers White noise or Weird BZZZZZZ noises means that biosfile is not
    the best one... Use a diferent BIOS.WPH file from the ones you downloaded..

    The Bigger the File the Bigger the wait so.... Go have a coffee wile your Lap is doing LOADS of Loud beeps..

    I will be more than happy to help Any one just PM me and will see what i can
    do 4 ya

    i have read that before 2007 models this method is different..

    like FAT formated usb with your bios file Renamed to BIOS.BIN and the
    laptop will read it by it self.. so

    Please pm me or email me i can always help

    Best regards from Your Local Texas instruments Flashing Dev Team

    Peace :):D
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  4. frankie.

    frankie. MDL Novice

    Jan 12, 2011
    fermartz, great post!!

    could somebody help me with s10-3t. Could some body give me an aswers how to rescue bios?
    Should I use a USB stick, or USB floppy drive is required?
  5. fermartz

    fermartz MDL Novice

    Aug 18, 2009
    Thanks frankie... your s10-3t has a very similar HW than the the mini... why dont yoyu give this a READ and then see if it sounds
    familiar or prob give you any Ideas

    forums mydigitallife info/threads/2105-BIOS-Recovery-procedures?p=261509&viewfull=1#post261509
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  6. sonerlotusmax

    sonerlotusmax MDL Novice

    Jan 13, 2011
    hi all, i got some problem here with my motherboard ecs nforce570
    i messed up and now it won't boot
    i've been trying the award bios recovery steps on the 1st page..but it didn't work..the floppy doesn't show any activity even when i'm pressed the ctrl+home button

    could somebody help me..? :confused:
  7. fermartz

    fermartz MDL Novice

    Aug 18, 2009
    Sure do sonerlotusmax..

    i need your full spects... BRAND, Year model, and CPU... and what tipe of files are you getting from your Bios is it FD . BID or ROM or WPH??

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  8. fermartz

    fermartz MDL Novice

    Aug 18, 2009
    AWARD BIOS Recovery

    I found this guys hope is useful:)

    BIOS recovery Award BIOS

    To recover an AWARD BIOS you will need to create a bootable floppy diskette and add the desired BIOS file (we recommend using the most recent). Award BIOS's generally are in .BIN format. You will also add an AWARD flash utility (usually awdflash.exe) and an AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
    The AWARD BIOS does not automatically restore the BIOS information to the 'system block' like the other BIOS does. You will need to add the commands necessary to flash the BIOS in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. The system will run the AUTOEXEC.BAT file, which contains the flash instructions.

    Note: 12345678.BIN represents the name of your BIOS.

    Step by Step:

    1. Create a bootable floppy diskette ( personaly i suggest a FAT formated 2GB bootable USB stik)

    2. Copy the BIOS file and flash utility to the diskette or usb

    3. Create an text file with any standard text editor and add the following lines


    awdflash 12345678.BIN /py/sn/f/cc/r

    Exchange the awdflash with the name of whatever flash utility you are using, and replace the 12345678.BIN with the name of the BIOS file you are using. The parameters are explained here:

    py = program yes
    sn = save no
    f = flash
    cc = clear cmos
    r = reboot

    Insert usb or the floppy disk in the floppy drive. Turn On the system

    3. If no access occurs press and hold Ctrl-Home to force update. Follow insructions on the screen and it will read the file and recover the BIOS from the A drive.

    4. When 4 beeps are heard you may remove the floppy disk or usb.

    5. Restart the computer.

    i cant post LINKS Yet but ask me i can send it to you with more info
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  9. sonerlotusmax

    sonerlotusmax MDL Novice

    Jan 13, 2011
    i have a custom-built pc using core2duo e4300/2 gigs memory/hd4850
    i already buy a new motherboard msi g41tm-p33 but i have another problem with says memory management/irq not less or equal/pfn list corrupt..and the system keep restarting once it reach the windows logo :mad:
  10. shahin

    shahin MDL Novice

    Jul 16, 2009
    I get a a white cursor blinking on top left. I changed a module in bios. Any help is appreciated. I need to connect to the chip somehow & reflash it. I think it is SPI programming.
  11. Kane3162

    Kane3162 MDL Novice

    Nov 13, 2008
    Right, so i must have a "bitch" of a model!

    I have an HP, dv6725us. Now I call this a "bitch" of a model (for 2 reasons),1: because every BIOS file for the damn thing, has an A and B WPH file...

    I used the phoenix emergency recovery thing to format the USB floppy I am using, then tried both A and B of EVERY BIOS update listed on the site.... nothing... nada...

    I dont mean it doesnt do anything, it reads the floppys for a bit, then stops, then beeps a while later, but never actually turns itself off... THEN when i try to turn it back on, no sound, nothing, BUT it stays on for a good 10-15~ sec, then shuts off... then turns it self on... and repeats...

    AND for 2 for the "bitch" comment, this all happened because i was 5 updates behind and 2 of them contained updates which would actually effect system stability and usability, so i updated to the latest and greatest, only to be f**ked in the ass with what i am not considering a paperweight...

    FML, any help would be appreciated
  12. kizwan

    kizwan MDL Member

    Mar 6, 2010
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  13. Kane3162

    Kane3162 MDL Novice

    Nov 13, 2008
    kizwan, did you only read part of my post :X

    "I used the phoenix emergency recovery thing to format the USB floppy I am using, then tried both A and B of EVERY BIOS update listed on the site.... nothing... nada... " and of course the rest i said below it
  14. kizwan

    kizwan MDL Member

    Mar 6, 2010
    LOL. In my previous post, I didn't said to use USB floppy drive. I said USB flash drive. Please re-read carefully my previous post. I'm trying to help but I guess you don't need it from me.
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  15. shahin

    shahin MDL Novice

    Jul 16, 2009
    How to reflash a thinkpad after a semi bad flash - computer won't boot but can get into BIOS.
    Did anybody try to solder a new flashed chip from ebay - replacing the old one?
    Thinkpad T61 - bios in ATMEL chip 26DF321 8pin SPI SOIC-8
  16. Kane3162

    Kane3162 MDL Novice

    Nov 13, 2008
    it beeps 3 times... AFAIKT from google and the HP site, that means "3 short beepsUnable to start flashing (such as when missing a utility or BIOS image) "
    I formatted it using the HP USB utility, copied autoexec.bat and phlash16 to the thumb drive, renamed the bios file (I tried with both version A and with version B of the BIOS files) to BIOS.WPH, same thing...
  17. fermartz

    fermartz MDL Novice

    Aug 18, 2009

    Kane try my post its a DV6220 same charrade
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  18. Kane3162

    Kane3162 MDL Novice

    Nov 13, 2008
    any chance you can link the one your talking about... u seem to have quite a few :D

    EDIT: I see the post, but 2 issues remain, #1: cannot seem to find this "wincrisis", and #2, my model has a version A and version B of the BIOS in each and every firmware update file... how the hell can I tell which one is the one I need!! (dv6725us)
  19. shub

    shub MDL Novice

    May 24, 2007
    guys i need bigg help plzzz... I just updated my bios for hp mini 210 1156sa and now i dont get anything on the screen.. All i get is blank screeennn... Omg i was updating my girls friends netbook and ive f**kd it... Plzz guys i need bigg helppp
  20. shahin

    shahin MDL Novice

    Jul 16, 2009
    google for crisis disk (emrgency bios reflash) and your hp model number & follow directions if your hp supports this. If it does not support this then you have to change the BIOS chip or MB.