Bios Recovery Procedures

Discussion in 'BIOS Mods' started by petar, May 9, 2008.

  1. matamu2

    matamu2 MDL Novice

    Feb 21, 2012
    I tried to recover toshiba satellite pro C640
    i download from toshiba support and rename it from MC10200.FD to Bios.fd
    i used key combination fn+f, the power led is blinking and the usb thumb is blinking to, i thought it run nicely. I wait it until the power led and usb thumb not blinking (it's about 10-15 minutes), then i restarted the notebook and the screen remain blank. i thought i had a bad bios flash, so i downloaded the other version of bios and reflash it. but now everytime i press fn+f the power led is blinking but usb thumb didn't, and the power led stop blinking and restart the notebook but still remain blank.
    Can anyone help me here.
  2. zeevoid

    zeevoid MDL Novice

    Feb 5, 2012
    Now I have my personal EEPROM programmer so i can test different version but no version start my laptop. Same result:when i plug ac adapter laptop start itself (power led on, no fan or other sign of starting) .

    The 2 remaining option is:
    1.bios file is 2.6M and bios chip is 4M(winbond 25Q32BV) - eeprom programmer start reflashing from adress 00 .Someone know if is another starter adress for reflashing (not from 00)?
    2. less probable but maybe some other component failed

    PS: if someone have similar laptop and want to help me with a full dump bios pls give me a sign
  3. icesad

    icesad MDL Novice

    Apr 20, 2011
    HP Probook 4430s Bios F20 Problem

    Hi, Bro! I and many bro have exactly the same problem with you. Is there any solution to solve it. Can you help me to downgrade bios version by recovery. Pm me soon, thank you very much:rolleyes:
  4. mejdi07

    mejdi07 MDL Novice

    Feb 27, 2012
    PLZ HELP with hp probook 4710s i need recovery my bios .i try with usb disk but no luck
  5. nikola_bb

    nikola_bb MDL Novice

    Mar 10, 2012
    I have notebook Asus x59sl, the motherboard is f5sr. I tried to update the bios, the asus utility managed to erase the bios and then instead of flashing the new one the notebook turned off. Now it does not power on at all, none of the led's is iluminated when i plug the power jack. It is completly dead. What is the procedure for bios recovery?
  6. Tito

    Tito Super Mod / Adviser
    Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2009
    If you have the driver disc (came with the lappy), then insert it. It has the ability to recover bad bios flash :)
  7. nikola_bb

    nikola_bb MDL Novice

    Mar 10, 2012
    but how to start it because if i try to power it on nothing happens
  8. Tito

    Tito Super Mod / Adviser
    Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2009
    Just put the disc in the drive, detach the battery, start it with AC power & wait :)
  9. nikola_bb

    nikola_bb MDL Novice

    Mar 10, 2012
    i can't find my cd o_O any chance to find it somwhere on the internet or other why for fixing?

    i found one cd i try to power it on and still nothing happens....
  10. Moe007

    Moe007 MDL Novice

    Apr 3, 2012
    were u able to recover your system ?
    I have the same problem and I can not get it done. Same laptop and model.
    happens to me about a week ago. wish i didn't update the bios
  11. menyoo

    menyoo MDL Novice

    Apr 7, 2012
    Dead bios after update with in windows

    Hi everyone,

    Does anyone know how to fix a dead Asus P5WD2 Premium mobo? I recently updated the bios using Window ASUS Update V7.09.03 Install Program for Windows 2000/XP/2003 & 64bit Windows and failed step 3. after restarted my computer and now no post, no video, not even the keyboard lights comes on, nothing at all. I've tried all steps in post 1, but nothing works.

    I'm thinking try something like below but my mobo does not have 7 pins.

    As Dutchman01 stated, for all of us that own a board with SPI chips and have a SPI-header (7pins INTERFACE) there is a posible way of recovering after a bad flash and none of the recovery procedures have worked.
    Although it's for a electronic enthusiasts here is the link to the thread and the info:

    Thanks in advance.
  12. geabo

    geabo MDL Junior Member

    Mar 16, 2012
    Hi :)

    I'm new in this GREAT board/forum

    and i did a wrong bios UPDATE and had searching this board for help. but i did not find what i needed to reflashing my bios after i have doing a bios update with a wrong version to my ASUS P4SP-MX rev.1.0

    Edit: i found this searching the internet
    and now i have found what i needed and my board is working again :)
    i think it could help other people to :)

    i'we found this and it was working with AFLASH.EXE ver.2.21 from asus download

    USAGE: AFLASH [Options] [ROMFile]
    /AUTO ROMFile Automated update BIOS without Boot Block and ESCD
    /BOOT Update BIOS including Boot Block and ESCD
    Flash EPROM Programming Utility

    and here is information about other bios update tool commands

    AWDFLASH v8.92 (03/26) (C)Phoenix Technologies Ltd. 2008 All Rights Reserved
    Usage: AWDFLASH [FileName1] [FileName2] [/<sw>[/<sw>...]]
    FileName1 : New BIOS Name For Flash Programming
    FileName2 : BIOS File For Backing-up the Original BIOS
    <Swtches> ?: Show Help Messages
    py: Program Flash Memory pn: No Flash Programming
    sy: Backup Original BIOS To Disk File sn: No Original BIOS Backup
    Sb: Skip BootBlock programming Wb: Always Programming BootBlock
    cd: Clear DMI Data After Programming cc: Clear CMOS Data After Programming
    cp: Clear PnP(ESCD) Data After Programming
    LD: Destroy CMOS Checksum And No System Halt For First Reboot
    After Programming
    QI: Qualify flash part number with source file
    E: Return to DOS After Programming R: RESET System After Programming
    cks: Show update Binfile checksum cksXXXX: Compare Binfile CheckSum with XXXX
    vgaXX: Change to VGA mode XX(Hex value). ch: Update HOLE.
    Hx: Only update the specified Hole(0~7). custid:xxxxxxxx
    Support nForce Input MAC,GUID Function,with "/wb" to update MAC and GUID.
    MacAdd0~7:XXXXXXXXXXXX Common input MAC address support.
    Example: AWDFLASH 6A69R000.bin /py/sn/nvmac:xxxxxxxxxxxx/wb
    Copyright (C) 1994-2002, ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC.
    USAGE: AFLASH [Options] [ROMFile]
    /AUTO ROMFile Automated update BIOS without Boot Block and ESCD
    /BOOT Update BIOS including Boot Block and ESCD
    Flash EPROM Programming Utility
    Copyright (C)2000 American Megatrends Inc. All Rights Reserved. Ver.8.27.00P
    Sample: AMIFLASH AMIBIOS.ROM /A -> Auto Detecting&Programming flash ROM
    <Command> ?|H : Help
    A : Auto detecting&Programming flash ROM.
    B : To force Boot Block Programming.
    C : Load BIOS CMOS default values without warning the user about
    any configuration change.
    D : Clear passwords during loading CMOS defaults.
    E : Clear CMOS after programming done.
    G : GPNV data area reserving.
    I : Identification BIOS file is right for this system or not.
    N : To force NVRAM programming.
    O : Flash functions call from BIOS file.
    P : To make [Security] item visible.
    R : Force reboot after programming done.
    S[File_name] : To save Flash ROM data into file AND quit.
    T[RetryNumber] : Retry if programming fails. The [RetryNumber] can be 0 - 65535
    . This function is only for command line mode.
    U[File_name] : To update utility's modules data.
    V : Verify BIOS checksum.
    X : Enter utility's user interface without system checking.
    -<Options> : Disable flags
    AMI Firmware Update Utility - Version 1.33
    Copyright (C)2004 American Megatrends, Inc. All rights reserved.
    Usage: afudos /i<ROM filename> [/o<save ROM filename>] [/n] [/p[n][c]] [/s]
    [/k[N]] [/c[N]] [/q] [/h] [/t] [/u<ROM filename>] [/d]
    /n - Don't check ROM ID
    /pbnc -
    b - Program Boot Block
    n - Program NVRAM
    c - Destroy System CMOS
    /k - Program all non-critical blocks only
    /kN - Program N'th non-critical block only (from k0 upto k7)
    /s - Leave signature in BIOS
    /q - Silent execution
    /h - Print help
    /t - Display ROM ID string
    /c - Program Main BIOS and all Non-critical blocks
    /cN - Program Main BIOS and N'th Non-critical block (from c0 upto c7)
    /d - Compare ROM file (skips flashing)
    /u<ROM filename> -Display ROM ID
    | AMI Firmware Update Utility Ver.4.16 |
    | Copyright (C)2007 American Megatrends Inc. All Rights Reserved. |
    | Usage: AFUDOS <ROM File Name> [Option 1] [Option 2]... |
    | or |
    | AFUDOS <Input or Output File Name> <Command> |
    | or |
    | AFUDOS <Command> |
    | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
    | Commands: |
    | /O - Save current BIOS into file |
    | /U - Display ROM file's ROMID |
    | /Ln - Refer to Options: /Ln |
    | /M - Refer to Options: /M |
    | /MAI - Disaply System ROM and ROM file's MA information |
    | /HOLE: - Update specific ROM Hole according to given name. |
    | NewRomHole1.BIN /HOLE:RomH1 |
    | /HOLEOUT: - Save specific ROM Hole according to given name. |
    | NewRomHole1.BIN /HOLEOUT:RomH1 |
    | /NCB: - Update specific Non-Critical Block according to given name. |
    | NewNcb1.BIN /NCB:Ncb1 |
    | /NCBOUT: - Save specific Non-Critical Block according to given name. |
    | NewNcb1.BIN /NCBOUT:Ncb1 |
    | /D - Verification test of given ROM File without flashing BIOS. |
    | Options: |
    | /P - Program main BIOS image |
    | /B - Program Boot Block |
    | /N - Program NVRAM |
    | /C - Destroy CMOS checksum |
    | /E - Program Embedded Controller Block |
    | /K - Program all non-critical blocks |
    | /Kn - Program n'th non-critical block only(n=0-7) |
    | /Q - Silent execution |
    | /REBOOT - Reboot after programming |
    | /X - Don't Check ROM ID |
    | /S - Display current system's ROMID |
    | /Ln - Load CMOS defaults:(n=0-3) |
    | L0: Load current optimal |
    | L1: Load current failsafe |
    | L2: Load optimal from ROM file |
    | L3: Load failsafe from ROM file |
    | /M - Update bootblock MAC address if it exists |
    | Example: /M1234ABCD will update MAC to 1234ABCD |
    | /R - Preserve ALL SMBIOS structure during NVRAM programming |
    | /EC - Program Embedded Controller Block. (Flash Type) |
    | /ECUF - Update EC BIOS when newer version is detected. |
    | /SHUTDOWN - Shutdown after programming. |
    | /CLNEVNLOG - Clear Event Log. |
    Phoenix Flash Utility for DOS - Version
    Copyright (c) Phoenix Technologies Ltd., 2000-2007
    USAGE: PHLASH16 [options] [@rspfile] [romfile]
    romfile Override the default BIOS image name BIOS.WPH with "file".
    @rspfile Response file containing more options
    /A:n 32 bit address where to put the File Image.
    /B:file Override the default BIOS image name BIOS.WPH with "file".
    /BBL Program boot block.
    /BU[=name] Backup flash memory into BIOS.BAK before programming.
    If "name" specified, override the default filename BIOS.BAK.
    /C Clear CMOS checksum after programming.
    /CS Verify BIOS.WPH image checksum.
    /DMC:string Specify chassis manufacturer DMI string.
    /DMM:string Specify motherboard manufacturer DMI string.
    /DMS:string Specify system manufacturer DMI string.
    /DOxx:string Specify OEM DMI string number xx.
    /DPC:string Specify chassis product ID DMI string.
    /DPM:string Specify motherboard product ID DMI string.
    /DPS:string Specify system product ID DMI string.
    /DSC:string Specify chassis serial number DMI string.
    /DSM:string Specify motherboard serial number DMI string.
    /DSS:string Specify system serial number DMI string.
    /DUS:string Specify UUID DMI string.
    /DVC:string Specify chassis version DMI string.
    /DVM:string Specify motherboard version DMI string.
    /DVS:string Specify system version DMI string.
    /DESC Check the descriptor mode.
    /DEV Display device information from WPH file.
    /EXIT Exit without rebooting.
    /E2 Generate a new UUID when current UUID is (FFF...FFF).
    /H or /? Help screen.
    /I Verify image size matches flash part size.
    /MODE=n Specify mode n (0, 1, 2, 3).
    /MFG Manufacturing mode - Automatically reboot without keypress.
    /N Program only if BIOS.WPH is different than system BIOS.
    /NOB Do not allow an older BIOS to be flashed to the platform.
    /NIC Update network controller driver with *.lom files.
    /NOBIOSINFO Do not display BIOS date and part number while flashing.
    /O Override (disable) all options from BIOS.WPH.
    /P Production mode (minimize messages and delays).
    /PF=string String to pass on to command line.
    /PN Program only if same BIOS part number.
    /REMOTE Specify remote operation over RS232
    /RO[=name] Read contents of flash part and save to a file.
    /R=n Retry flashing a block n times if flash fails.
    /S Silent operation (turn off speaker).
    /SWAP=NO Disable Axx autodetection.
    /T Show debug timing info (Warning: flash is done TEN TIMES!)
    /V Verify each block after programming it.
    /VBL Show warning for Vista Bitlocker.
    /VGA Update VGA module with *.dat files.
    /X Ignore XMS memory manager check.
    /Z Zero before erasing a block.
    /UUID Generate a new UUID .
    /DOSKEY Ignore DOSKEY check .
    /Mod:filename Update current system BIOS with the module specified by
    /Fbin:filename Update current system BIOS DMI with the interface file
    specified by filename, do not need image file.
    /FileUUID Generate a new UUID to BIOS image(Will not flash).
    /ShowFileUUID Show UUID of a BIOS bin file.
    To update entire system BIOS you also need the following file:
    BIOS.WPH (the interface file with the BIOS image)
    UniFlash v1.40 (c) 2005 Rainbow Software (
    Original version by Pascal van Leeuwen & Galkowski Adam
    UNIFLASH [-H|-?|[-PCIROM [B D F]|-AMI|-ASUS|-BASE xxxxx|CTFLASH [xxx]]
    [-E fname][-SAVE fname|-CHIPLIST|-FORCE xxxx][-REPAIR][-LOG][-MONO]
    [-CMOSS fname][-CMOSR fname][-CMOSC]][-UNLOCK][-QUIT][-REBOOT]
    -H or -? Shows this help screen
    -E fname Flashes fname to Flash ROM with no prompts
    -LOG Enables auto-logging to UNIFLASH.LOG
    -CTFLASH [xxx] Flash ROM in c't Flasher 8-bit ISA card [xxx=port]
    -PCIROM Flash ROM on a PCI card instead of system ROM
    [BUS DEV FUN] Manually specify PCI device (decimal numbers)
    -AMI, -ASUS Use AMI Flash Interface, Use Asus Flash Interface
    -CHIPLIST Show list of supported flash chips with their numbers
    -FORCE xxxx Force using routines for chip xxxx (4 hex digits)
    -BASE xxxxx Set ROM Base to address xxxxx (at least 5 hex digits)
    -REPAIR Repair erased chip ID (Winbond and SST chips)
    -SAVE fname Write current bios image to file fname

    -CMOSS/R fname Save/restore CMOS settings to/from file fname
    -CMOSC Clears CMOS settings
    -UNLOCK Unlock locked bootblocks (e.g. on W29C020)
    -REBOOT Reboot after flashing (use together with -E)
    flashrom v0.9.4-r1455 on Linux (x86_64), built with libpci 3.1.7, GCC 4.4.5, little endian
    flashrom is free software, get the source code at
    Usage: flashrom [-n] [-V] [-f] [-h|-R|-L|-E|-r <file>|-w <file>|-v <file>]

    [-c <chipname>] [-m [<vendor>:]<part>] [-l <file>]
    [-i <image>] [-p <programmername>[:<parameters>]]
    Please note that the command line interface for flashrom has changed between
    0.9.1 and 0.9.2 and will change again before flashrom 1.0.
    Do not use flashrom in scripts or other automated tools without checking
    that your flashrom version won't interpret options in a different way.
    -h | --help print this help text
    -R | --version print version (release)
    -r | --read <file> read flash and save to <file>
    -w | --write <file> write <file> to flash
    -v | --verify <file> verify flash against <file>
    -E | --erase erase flash device
    -V | --verbose more verbose output
    -c | --chip <chipname> probe only for specified flash chip
    -m | --mainboard <[vendor:]part> override mainboard detection
    -f | --force force specific operations (see man page)

    -n | --noverify don't auto-verify
    -l | --layout <file> read ROM layout from <file>
    -i | --image <name> only flash image <name> from flash layout
    -L | --list-supported print supported devices
    -p | --programmer <name>[:<param>] specify the programmer device
    (internal, dummy, nic3com, nicrealtek,
    gfxnvidia, drkaiser, satasii, serprog,
    buspirate_spi, rayer_spi, nicintel,
    nicintel_spi, ogp_spi, satamv)
    You can specify one of -h, -R, -L, -E, -r, -w, -v or no operation.
    If no operation is specified, flashrom will only probe for flash chips.
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  13. Johnny222

    Johnny222 MDL Novice

    Apr 12, 2012
    I have a good question: How to recover a notebook AMI BIOS ? Notebooks usually don't have disk drive a: .
  14. Tito

    Tito Super Mod / Adviser
    Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2009
    Use USB floppy drive or pen drive :)
  15. Johnny222

    Johnny222 MDL Novice

    Apr 12, 2012
    Please forgive me... Do you mean by "pen drive" just any bootable USB stick that can boot into MS-DOS or so?
  16. Tito

    Tito Super Mod / Adviser
    Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2009
    Read the first post, specially the AMI bios recovery part. You can replace floppy by pendrive... sometimes you need bootable, sometimes not.
  17. quid

    quid MDL Addicted

    Oct 22, 2010
    Phoenix UEFI SHELL Flash Utility (PFlash.efi)

    1) Download latest bios for Dell Vostro 3450
    2) Open with 7zip -> Vostro_3450_AXX.exe -> .rsrc -> 1024 -> RCDATA -> 7000 (this is the BIOS.cap) file.
    3) PFlash.efi lives inside.

    This might help with the Phoenix UEFI Crisis Recovery process previously documented.
  18. opopo

    opopo MDL Novice

    Apr 24, 2012
    Hello All,

    Please help me.. i have HP PROBOOK 4320s. after i update BIOS my notebook can't work (Blank). anybody can help my ?

    Please i need help...

  19. thack

    thack MDL Novice

    May 2, 2010
    BIOS CRISIS RECOVERY - new procedure - phlash instead of phlash16 (Lifebook S6420)

    Hello All,

    Hope this has not been posted before, but did not see anything similar.

    The following procedure can initiate a bios crisis recovery on a lifebook S6420. In addition it might be applicable to other Fujitsu models and different brands.

    You will need the Bios Crisis Recovery Tool with wincris (for creating recovery usb) and a version of the BIOS update for S6420 downloaded from Fujitsu driver page in .ISO (for creating a boot cd) format.

    1. From the .iso file, extract PHLASH.EXE (NOTE: This is not PHLASH16.EXE !!!), COMMAND.COM, KERNEL.SYS, PLATFORM.BIN and XXXXXX.ROM (eg. GDNV123.ROM, this bios.rom can alternatively also be extracted from the corresponding windows BIOS download in .BUP format)

    2. Copy PHLASH.EXE, PLATFORM.BIN, XXXXXX.ROM into your wincris folder, remove PHLASH16.exe and .WHP files - rename XXXXXX.ROM to BIOS.ROM

    3. start wincris as admin and create recovery usb

    4. copy COMMAND.COM and KERNEL.SYS directly to usb

    5. Insert usb into S6420 lifebook and power on - bios crisis recovery will run and after a couple of minutes the lifebook comes back to life, no pun intended (as my Lifebook was already in recovery mode, i.e. only showed black screen with flashing led lights and occasional beep from internal speakers, no special key combination was needed)

    As a general remark, one can see here that just renaming .ROM files into .WHP does not always work. If the manufacturer uses phlash instead of phlash16 on their product recovery boot discs together with bios.rom and platform.bin files, phlash is most likely required to create the crisis recovery usb stick with wincris. Final reminder platform.bin and bios.rom are board specific, only use for the corresponding board.

    Good luck, hope this helps!
  20. thack

    thack MDL Novice

    May 2, 2010
    @ideal2012 - Sorry, why post something on Windows7 password recovery on a BIOS Recovery threat??? This is absolutely off the topic!

    @admins - Since you already deleted or moved ideal2012's post you could do the same for this answer...
