This is Phoenix Bios Editor (regged), stored at Intel's place BIOS Logo Change Utility - File
Code: Phoenix Phlash Utility for Linux - Version Copyright (c) Phoenix Technologies Ltd., 2000-2001 USAGE: LinPhlash [options] [@rspfile] [romfile] romfile Override the default BIOS image name BIOS.WPH with "file". @rspfile Response file containing more options /BU[=name] Backup flash memory into BIOS.BAK before programming. If "name" specified, override the default filename BIOS.BAK. /C Clear CMOS checksum after programming. /CS Verify BIOS.WPH image checksum. /DMC:string Specify chassis manufacturer DMI string. /DMM:string Specify motherboard manufacturer DMI string. /DMS:string Specify system manufacturer DMI string. /DOxx:string Specify OEM DMI string number xx. /DPC:string Specify chassis asser tag number. /DPM:string Specify motherboard product ID DMI string. /DPS:string Specify system product ID DMI string. /DSC:string Specify chassis serial number DMI string. /DSM:string Specify motherboard serial number DMI string. /DSS:string Specify system serial number DMI string. /DUS:string Specify UUID DMI string. /DVC:string Specify chassis version DMI string. /DVM:string Specify motherboard version DMI string. /DVS:string Specify system version DMI string. /H or /? Help screen. /I Verify image size matches flash part size. /MFG Manufacturing mode - Automatically reboot without keypress. /N Program only if BIOS.WPH is different than system BIOS. /NOB Do not allow an older BIOS to be flashed to the platform. /NOBIOSINFO Do not display BIOS date and part number while flashing. /O Override (disable) all options from BIOS.WPH. /P Production mode (minimize messages and delays). /PN Program only if same BIOS part number. /RO[=name] Read contents of flash part and save to a file. /Rn Retry flashing a block n times if flash fails. /S Silent operation (turn off speaker). /SWAP=NO Disable Axx autodetection. /V Verify each block after programming it. /Z Zero before erasing a block. To FLASH a part you also need the following file: BIOS.WPH (the interface file with the BIOS image) Don't really remember where I got it. For Linux 2.4.18
Code: Phlash32 version G1.17 Usage: PHLASH32.EXE [-b c e o p q v x ?] [<BIOS Name> [<Platform Name>]] <BIOS name> defaults to BIOS.ROM if not specified, if <Platform Name> is not specified, use BIOS image to determine it Options :b : Phlash BootBlock c : Clear CMOS cs : Check BIOS image word checksum e : Phlash ESCD segment o : Override BCP PartNum p : Show list of supported flash devices q : Quiet mode v : Compare file with BIOS x : Extract BIOS to file (must also specify platform name) ? : Display this message Platform Name:netchevy, xantia, porto, cobra, moka, miata atami, uno1, tbird, vouvray, uno2, etna saxo, mamba, napa, clio, pantera, cristal cognac, ashaki
For Phoenix BIOS Code: SYMBOLIC CMOS EDITOR - Version 643710-035 usage: SYMCMOS <options> -? show this help -D program BIOS default values -S[filename] produce symbolic report file -L[filename] produce literal report file -U[filename] update CMOS using script file -C[filename] combine build files -F[filename] use combine file for report -V0 disable logging -V1 enable error logging (default) -V2 enable verbose logging -V3 No CMOS update and verbose logging From Supermicro's FTP site