yes i saw it yesterday , i tried mmtool v3.26 and v4.5 on the s7025 bios but both not load . i tried them on a 4 Mo bios from another pc i have : a hp touchsmart 600-1160 fr and the 3.26 loads it . i want to update the ahci rom and the cpu microde , the site you gave seem perfect for the ahci rom but i wonder where i will found the cpu microcode for the 1155 socket ...? thank you in advance
no idea about what is in , i looked for lsi and it found nothing . now i try to rebuild the menu bios that has a lot of pages and some links seem to be missing : when i disable something , others should be also my trouble is that i can only move lines inside the same page , may be it comes from the red forbidden thingy in [Handle] View attachment 15697 and i have one other at end of line , anyone knows what that means and how to remove them ?
BIOS Admin Pack - LIFEBOOK LH532/G22 is right here: hxxp:// Legroom's Universal Extractor can extract the install if needed. I didn't look at the Admin Pack yet.