Hello, Can someone help me ? I try to inject/insert OA3.0 MS key to Lenovo phoenix and insyde bios. Unfortuanetly, I have an insydeh2o utility, but it not works. the utility name is h2ooae-w.exe. Can someone help me with a tool to inject key into bios ? Thanks in advance.
don't bother. OA3.0 MS keys are checked by MS activation servers from time to time to see if they are valid or not and some manufacturers can tell MS to either make them valid or invalid also OA 3.0 MS keys require online activation anyway (not offline activation); read this topic about OA 3.0 - Yen explains it well: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/windows-8-preinstalled-licenses-aka-oa2-2-and-oa3-0.34580/
I understand it, we are an Oem in hungary, and make OA3.0 process from start to end. We just have one problem: we have not the firmware specific tool. So I made a request for someone help me. Laptops and other devices with AMI bios no problem for this process, because AMI granted the APtio utility which have the afuwin program. Afuwin can injecto keys to MSDM table of Bios.
Hello everybody can you help me to modify my bios with h2oeze or h2ouve i need old version of this tool i need to set boot mode to csm and sata mode to ide my bios is insyde rev 1.30 from toshiba satellite c55-a now i tried to modify my bios with H20EZE_x86_WIN_100.00.02.10, H20EZE_x86_WIN_100.00.02.13 and H2OUVE_100.0.9.2 when i change default variables in bios save file and flash i got a error message with secure flash, with ch341a programmer the laptop does not boot so last chance is to be flashed via insyde flash tool or intel fpt, my platform is bay trail
------------------------------ Insyde OATool Ver: ------------------------------ File Path Name : OA3.bin Return Code : 2 ------------------------------ Log End ------------------------------ ------------------------------ Insyde OATool Ver: ------------------------------ File Path Name : OA3.bin File Path: OA3.bin File Size: 49 Return Code : 31 ------------------------------ Log End ------------------------------
Hello all Can someone please help me get a Fujitsu Futro S700 (mobo 3003-B1x) product number and serial changed? I already tried in dos and winPE AMI DMEdit, AMIDEWIN, DMIEDIT, in various versions. After reboot everything changed back I think I may need OEMIDENT from fujitsu. Anyone who has it? The links from this thread are all dead. Thanks!