Only one 128M-bit ~ 16MB. one more for 2MB, but I think it's either for default settings table and lan lock. Wow Flipp3r ! Thank you ! You are totally right. I went thru whole board and found one fla laying flat and hiding !!!
The sencond one is 256M-bit ~32MB, reading datapdf. I'm very greatfull to you Guru Flipp3r. I gonna go and rethink these past three days I've spent on tinkering wif what I was supposed to be more conscientious. 32mb is so flat and so different from the 16MB one. And the 16MB is so visible and so standard looking fla, I took it for what it wasn't. Then the 16MB must type of debug table, I kinda read it and it did look like table of contents of the board. Total would be 32MB+16MB+2MB. 2MB fla is near debug port, cmos default and lan lock. 16MB is near M2 heatsink and audio port [wif a big table of content]~ can't make a deduction of it. 32MB near AM covered by cooling etc. 50 Mb memory. Any ideas how to mod it for the better future.
I am looking for an editor for VMware EFI firmware, please tell me how to get it. Thank you very much.
Last try to reconstruct mac, uuid, sn, me, regions. I tried to use FD44Editor but seems it's not right. I've read on other forums and some people say that too. Is there any other utility to write sn, mac, uuid from labels on the board into the bios file for further ch341 programming? A guide would be a great help, thank you a lot.
Does anyone happen to have the Insyde H2OUVE (UEFI Variable Editor) v200.01.00.08 tool? I cannot find it anywhere lol.