If it ran for 11 hours running the microsoft memory test with no errors...I would begin to suspect a software issue is the root problem, Try running prime 95 x 6 under max heat mode for CPU (in place large FFT). Your CPU temp should never go above 62C max or error, if it does your heatsink needs examination....if it passes that well......I would have to say it's time to install windows 7 onto a wiped partition (blank formatted) but this time make backups using something like acronis at each step, example: Install OS then upon first boot make an image of the base install, then go on to add correct chipset drivers first. make another backup image. next go on to the next driver needed making backups along the way. Once all drivers are in and before downlaoding and installling any OS updates make another image. Now with only OS and drivers installed try installing one app at a time, testing for BSOD inbetween. Hope I'm leading you in the right direction, new build with bleeding edge equipment, sometimes has some bugs to work out.
How do I test for BSOD? Btw, I just have the heatsink installed that came with the cpu. I have another one that I was going to install when I was ready to overclock. [EDIT] I couldn't run overdrive in safe mode, so I'm just going to run them both in normal mode.
I don't know how accurate this OverDrive thing is... it says my CPUs are at 0 degrees Celsius and my MB at -274.7 degrees Celsius and it says all the fan speeds are going 0 rpm. Unless that stuff just isn't activated or something... how do I get it to work?
It didn't run for 24 hours as it stopped itself... For all 6 instances it says "Torture Test completed ### tests in 6/7 hours and ## minutes - 1 errors, 0 warnings. I had the OverDrive logging, but for some reason it shortened it down to 2 KB. I'm pretty sure the CPU never went above 52 or 53 degrees C.
If prime 95 halted and errored, you have a hardware problem. If all 6 halted, then they stopped heating up the cpu and the temp would be low. Max all 6 cores w/prime95 large FFT max heat at 100% should not exceed 62C as shown by overdrive core temps. (look at the individual temps) My overclocked phenom IIX4 965 BE running at 3.6 ghz idles 30C and max load x4 cores about 50C with aftermarket cooler. With the stock cooler it hit 70C on prime95 before I shut it down. Try heating them up again, make sure all 6 are running at 100% cpu. Watch the temp. If prime 95 encounters an error, it halts and says 1 error. It should never error under torture test.
Maybe it's just a bad memory slot on the motherboard. I put in both RAM sticks on the black slots instead of the blue, and it hasn't crashed yet. [EDIT] I take that back. It finally crashed on me.
My mom's friend, who works on computers for a living (like you?), thinks it was a bad stick of RAM like I said before. I sent the bad stick in to G.Skill for an RMA today. Hopefully I'll get a good stick back. Thanks for your help.
Ideally return matched sets so they can replace it with another matched set. They also can test the two sticks far more comprehensively than you can at home. Lines of RAM sometimes change the actual chips used, and two identical model of DIMM's with different chips inside can be problematic in dual/tri channel config.
I got it back yesterday. My computer is running fine. Also, I overclocked my cpu to 3.5 GHz and it doesn't go over 49° C with all CPUs running at 100% and the fans on the heatsink running on the lowest rpm. I do have another problem, though, and it has nothing to do with the RAM or blue screen or anything. When I stream YouTube videos, the sound crackles. I've searched Google and found nothing to help me. Do you know anything about that? I thought it was my headset at first, but I sent that back and got a new one and it still does it.
Check the voltage of your ram, that WHAT was causing my bluescreens for a while if there running @ 1600 you have to raise the voltage, try cpuid to see what voltage your ram needs, hope that helps jUST SAW YOU GOT IT FIXED! aND WITH THAT YOUTUBE, TRY UPDATING FLASHPLAYER! OR UPDATE AUDIO DRIVER FROM WHATEVER VENDOR THE SOUND CHIP IS!