Just had 1 costumer on my shop with this error on a X99 platform Code: 0xC1900101-0x20017 The installation failed in the SAFE_OS phase with an error during BOOT operation This computer has a clean licensed install of windows 10 home 1709 and it fails to upgrade (freeze on reboot). Hardware is OK. Clean install once again fixes the problem. One more happy costumer, one more cent earned thanks to microsoft bugs
Nearby sharing doesn't really work. Updated 2 notebooks to 1803 through Windows Update. Installed just fine, no issues. Tried testing Nearby sharing. Laptop A can see Laptop B, but when click on the laptop B icon, it will not send a file. Laptop B doesn't even see Laptop A in Nearby sharing.
Why on earth is this sticky? A bit confusing threadtitle, isn't it? Never seen a bugs thread being sticky before.
this build is buggy for a final release dont like it to much... i think 15063 was less buggy more stable.
This is definetly a bug. I don't use BT much since I have a Dolby Atmos system. But it's on when WASAPI is hogging the system.
on older laptops with intel "hd" graphics brightness control is gone. tried every fix i could think of and even some suggested by others nothing works always stuck at max brightness which sucks at night. i know its an older system but i use it only to connect to an older plasma which doesnt work on my network to play video on it. still works great for that.
Right-click where the system folder is in Explorer and select Properties. Under Location, select the new location, preferably under the same location like on C: , only with the drive letter changed, which means: D:\Users\<user-name>Music and so on "My" is only a view, the name of the folders do not include "My" since after Windows XP, which means from Vista.
Couldn't tell you cause never had 1709 version on this computer. I use Windows 7 on this computer and I wanted to test 1803 version. Thanks for verifying the EnablePrefetcher value.
Indeed, then again, MS has never released such a buggy RTM. It will be probably sticky, until all major bugs are fixed (BSOD), so until 1809.
this build is the first build that I had a bsod cover only the left half the screen. and the other half was a visually glitched firefox browser
Anyone have an idea on what is going on here ? I just cant see the exact issue that is killing this install...
This is not RTM, 17134.1 is an Insider build and the Insiders channel is enabled. April 30th is the day when outsiders became insiders default. A famous day!
Have updated 12 systems now to RS4 and no issues. I never do it thru the Windows Update, just get the iso and run the upgrade from the usb, or just dumpthe iso to drive and run it.
I've noticed summet a little odd. Had a nice little custom OEM which was born out of Win 7, grew into Win 8.1 and then onto Win 10 and has always worked fine, with the odd tweak here and there. Even on the last version 1709 all my REG tweaks, Context Menu tweaks and shortcut tweaks have worked. One simple example. At a fresh install I like to add some desktop shortcuts and have the shortcut arrow removed. All of a sudden on version 1803 none of the REG tweaks get run at install, even the remove shortcut arrow. as an example So within the OOBE script I have Code: @echo off :: Shortcuts. reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce" /v PinToTaskbar /t REG_SZ /d "%windir%\Shortcuts.vbs" /f >nul : : pointing to Shortcuts.vbs Code: Option Explicit Dim objShell, strProfile, strWinDir, Documents , Pictures , Music , Downloads , ShowDesktop CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run "Shortcuts.cmd",0,True Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") strProfile = objShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%userprofile%") strWinDir = objShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%windir%") Set Documents = objShell.CreateShortcut(strProfile & "\Desktop\Documents.lnk") Set Pictures = objShell.CreateShortcut(strProfile & "\Desktop\Pictures.lnk") Set Music = objShell.CreateShortcut(strProfile & "\Desktop\Music.lnk") Set Downloads = objShell.CreateShortcut(strProfile & "\Desktop\Downloads.lnk") Set ShowDesktop = objShell.CreateShortcut(strProfile & "\Desktop\Show Desktop - Please Delete after Use.lnk") Documents.TargetPath = strProfile & "\Documents" Documents.workingdirectory = strProfile & "\Documents" Documents.Description = "My Documents" Documents.WindowStyle = 3 Documents.IconLocation = strWinDir & "\MyIcons.dll,1" Documents.Save Pictures.TargetPath = strProfile & "\Pictures" Pictures.workingdirectory = strProfile & "\Pictures" Pictures.Description = "My Pictures" Pictures.WindowStyle = 3 Pictures.IconLocation = strWinDir & "\MyIcons.dll,2" Pictures.Save Music.TargetPath = strProfile & "\Music" Music.workingdirectory = strProfile & "\Music" Music.Description = "My Music" Music.WindowStyle = 3 Music.IconLocation = strWinDir & "\MyIcons.dll,3" Music.Save Downloads.TargetPath = strProfile & "\Downloads" Downloads.workingdirectory = strProfile & "\Downloads" Downloads.Description = "My Downloads" Downloads.WindowStyle = 3 Downloads.IconLocation = strWinDir & "\MyIcons.dll,4" ShowDesktop.TargetPath = strWinDir ShowDesktop.workingdirectory = strProfile & "\ShowDesktop" ShowDesktop.Description = "Show Desktop Folder" ShowDesktop.Save Downloads.Save pointing to Shortcuts.cmd Code: @echo off start /w regedit /s %windir%\Shortcuts.reg >nul pointing to Shortcuts.reg Code: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 :: Hide Shortcut Arrow [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\explorer\Shell Icons] "29"="MyIcons.dll,17" : : :: Removes shortcut prefix [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer] "link"=hex:00,00,00,00 "-link"=hex:00,00,00,00 : : :: Show "This PC" on the desktop [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\HideDesktopIcons\NewStartPanel] "{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}"=dword:00000000 Plus other REG tweaks.. These tweaks are not happening on the latest build. Not sure why. Has M.Soft changed summet ? If so anybody got any ideas. All my files from the OEM folder are copied into "Windows", where I want them and post install if the REG files are manually run they do take effect. Anybody else seen this ?