With each new version of Win 10, both Microsoft & Hardware Makers have dropped support for certain Hardware. Could be your on-board SATA Controller Chip Set is no longer supported, either Hardware or Driver support. Could also be your GPU is no longer supported on 1403, 1409, 1803.
One problem no one has mentioned so far on this thead. I tried the latest Windows 10 version 1803 over the weekend and encountered the same problem I've had with versions 1709(Fall Creators Update) and 1703(Spring Creators Update). The two games I enjoy playing still run at 33-50% of their normal speed, along with frame stuttering and unexpected speed up/slow down cycles. I tested three different AMD Radeon drivers, turned off Xbox game recording and game bar, turned off all background apps, adjusted the appearance option to best performance, and even turned off Windows Defender while playing. Nothing works. Both of these games are simple 2D games, nowhere near as graphics intensive as 3D rendered games. Both played without any problems on Windows 8.1, and on Windows 10 versions 1507(Original release) and 1607(Anniversary release). Do a Google search and you'll find other people reporting the same thing: The gaming issue began with version 1703 and still continues through 1803. This morning I restored Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB 2016 from a backup image and am giving up on any and all newer versions of Windows 10.
Had issue where Dell XPS 12 9Q33 was hanging up on shutdown and/or reboot. Would hang at a black screen and never POST. This laptop had been blown off and loaded with 1709 and was working great. Then I had installed Dell Support Assist to help debug a driver problem and a diagnostic partition was then created by Dell Support Assist program. Everything was working, then I upgraded with 1803 and the hang ups began. Blew it off, deleting all partitions, including diagnostic partition. Now boots and shuts down and reboots OK. I surmise the Boot Options during the update to 1803 were not properly copied over. FYI.
Hi there! I didn't check before. Actually, at the beginning I didn't want to update to this build due to the lots of bugs reported here and there. But I finally did. Looks like I like to get in trouble. But after some days wotking with it, I haven't found any other issues in this build. Need to say that I'm not a gamer or so, I just use my system for working and coding just for fun.
Hello, odd thing happened to me few days ago. I installed 1803 from Windows Update and installation all went fine, I got in the system for the first time, everything was working and I restarted. Then, at the login screen, after entering my password, dots started to spin like circle as always waiting for to get in the desktop but no, it kept forever. I was able to login into safe mode though but nothing I did worked (I tried sfc scan etc.). I reverted with windows.old to 1709, then tried Update Assistant Tool this time, but same, reverted again. Are there anyone who encountered this? How did you solve this except reverting back? Note: Moreover, at the login screen before you enter your password, I clicked right bottom network icon and it was not responsive, as well as the accessibility icon/menu, not showing anything at all. Thanks!
i don't know why there are two threads going on with this build. is just confusing. I have noticed that even after the CU update this morning .. kb4103721 . set defaults by app still crashes and feedback settings are still handled by insider settings. anyone else ? thx
Nobody seems to be willing to answer it, it seems the bugs and issues for 1803 are so important they needed another thread (so nobody has to eventually read the solution in the original thread), not a solution being offered here neither but it's very useful it seems.
Not really impressed with 17134.48 .. previous bugs are still present. update did not fix theses issues. may go back to 1709. discussion of some sort is going to continue on both threads.
U better of trying a clean install....first check your HD for error to make sure is not HW related...could be also a incompatible driver issue not sure how old your machine is..download a clean image from here and try again.
After update KB4103721 the XPS Viewer can install now but still cannot copy text. App crashed after Copy or Ctrl+ C
no hardware error or software incompatibility. im not planning on doing clean install. i just want to know the solution to this. i know there are lots of problems in particular with this 1803 update and right now i delayed feature updates. hopefully they will fix it to the next one.
if your running a third party anti disable it.....i know their issues 1803 but this is the first i hear in this particular problem also their was a CU update today 17134.48 im sure they fix a few bugs...thats why i told u a fresh updated image could help u.