Windows 10 v.1709 is much better then 1803.In 1803 when i maximize my gaming window its freeze for a seconds .
Yes you should try to uninstall Eset and if it doesn't work try others methods of the troubleshooter link. Maybe you should try the Method 4 first windsman.
Finally fixed it, went through safe mode and I just needed to complete the upgrade from there :'D After that started windows normally and it did booted and working just fine now Thanks guys for your help
Does anyone have an idea in this ? Endpoint has been updated to the newest/compatable version. This still shows this data even though it's taken care of (note only 2 because it's been fixed. Any one know where it's pulling this data from so I can remove it ? See attached.
I once had this kind of error years ago when dealing with a previous 1511 Windows 10 release : I did NOT have any Symantec product installed at all, but there was a Symantec antivirus install folder on a mounted network drive. Disconnecting the drive made Windows 10 setup not complain. Verify that you dont keep such a folder on your drive when running upgrade setup...
User speedwaystar from TenForums posted this guide to solve booting issues after installing 17134.48. This worked for me, so I guess it may also help someone else: I disabled all non-MS services in msconfig, installed KB4103721 and rebooted, and Windows booted normally.
This was worked for me also but I did it on my own before I knew it worked for others and it was posted. I've had this issue since build 17134 come to insiders weeks ago and have done this trick. All my drivers are up to date but I don't think it matters because this whole release has been garbage. I've never had any issues with Windows 10 until now and 1709 ran like butter for me. I installed the KB4103721 update in safe mode but installed it with command prompt using the .CAB way and disabled stuff with msconfig. I really hope MS gets it together because RS5 is looking like a good upgrade if all features stay and not removed at the last minute.
Have you tried disable Focus Assist in settings? It's a new feature that changes windows notification priority when you launch a game... a lot of people have been saying this causes a somewhat large delay when switching in and out of games.
on Hebrew interface windows media player runs in backgroung after closing it I have to use task manager to close media player on English interface no problems.
Yes i did disable focus asistant and yes its was help but it doesnt make maximize like 1709 its still lag.