yeah mines not working either,i ran hardware troubleshooting and was shocked when i read the reports,it told me my volume wasn't connected,my display,usb disc,and microsoft streaming tee/sink to sink wasn't connected,i could keep going on,obviousley a bug with hardware troubleshooting,i hope because my display,usb disc and everthing else is ok.
Anybody else having problems with Synaptics SMbus update that was pushed out by Microsoft on April 22, 2015? I am getting BSOD with error DPC Watchdog Violation.
- Quick search on Start wont find my programs (Photoshop for example) - Calendar wont follow my settings. It displays Sunday as first day in week instead of Monday - Weather app uses London as default location and there is no way to change it Note: I'm using offline account...
I can also confirm the Qualcomm Atheros Bluetooth issue. Manufacturer drivers/installer doesn't seem to help either.
Ok I just going to say this. I have two very different computers (hardware wise one AMD the other Intel one is a desktop the other a laptop... etc you get the point) that I updated to build 10061 from 10041 and I had a ton of bugs and problems with both of them. So I reinstalled 9926 Pro and then upgraded to 10061 and what do you know I now have a smooth and much more stable experience on 10061 with my problems like the store app not updating and such going away. Now on the preview site the ISO you can download for Pro is 10041 so IDK but I'm just putting out what worked for me.
another issue i found out last night in this version if u updated and u try to remove the windows.old file using a unlocker program it will crash the OS and u will get blue screen of friend try it last night and he crash it and was force to do a clean install. so dont even try to remove the windows.old file with a unlocker 10066 does not respond well to programs that use a brute force method to remove a root file.
Not so if you use CCleaner. I've done this several times with each build since 99xx without any problems.
I have the same problem on two different pc after an update from the 10049 to the 10061, the button this menu to start the PC not work, and even better, to crash it's clicked the Start menu restarts. And it's not about this button, but also the file explorer button and Documents. As against this the button pc's office, and other works great on the desktop Noted that by doing a clean installation everything works. Apart Explorer unresponsive after some file copy ...
Last 2 builds using disk cleanup has not removed the windows.old folder fully for me, no matter what I did, it said files were in use in the folders, I even renamed every single one, removed their extensions, so they were dumb files, took ownership, rebooted and they were apparently still in use Eventually had to boot in safemode and it let me remove them