Short question: In the "Bypass v5" tutorial on page 1 it is recommended to install KB4538483 (licensing prep. pack.) BEFORE before using BypassESU-v5 aio solution. On Page 70 Enthousiast claims to install KB4538483 AFTER install BypassESU-v5... Does it matter whether it is installed before or after? regards Matthias (germany)
I'm not sure if you understand me correcly. I wanted to know if I have to install "KB4538483: ESU Licensing Preparation Package" before or after running BypassESU v5 installation on a "ESU virgin machine".(?) Cause there are two different tutorials here in this thread. Or does it not matter? regards Matthias
If v4 is used as instructed, all probably will be fine*, only no ESU updates on WU. * Nobody knows what MSFT will throw at the devs, next tuesday
i've been told that new patches appear every second week of each month so next march ESU updates should be available today.
Every second tuesday of the month is patch-tuesday, 10 AM redmond time, 7 PM western european time (18h17m from now).
This suppose to make WU use the patched file, not sure why it didn't work for you Code: reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\wuauserv\Parameters" /f /v ServiceDll /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d ^%%SystemRoot^%%\System32\wuaueng3.dll
Anyone else excited for tomorrow's update? I know I am! Started working on documenting every one of the new patches as they happen to make it easier for everyone else to figure out which ones to use and possibly stay away from. I wonder if there are any other updates this month that we either haven't heard of because of a lower level of importance, or they just haven't been sent out yet... M$ seems to have a thing for doing sneaky $H1T like that, releasing non-essential or sometimes "optional" patches behind our backs. They've been doing that for years, making it an even bigger pain in the A$$ to keep track of every single new one. Hopefully the new v5 patch will help us detect most (if not all) future updates as they appear so that we won't have to go digging for them 1 by 1 like with last month's fixes.
Okay I got the patch to work since i last posted. I saved it to the desktop but I only had option 3, with version 5. strange. When checking for updates kb4537829 showed. I guess as stated its safe now? Happy Sh!TTY windows 7 still gets some updates.
Yep, found that in the script and checked the registry: The entry had been added correctly. Really interesting that it doesn't get used...
Me too LOL. Never been so interested in patch Tuesday. Only been bothered before when I've experienced problems.
Only thing still failing for me is Server 2008 SP2. Hopefully, @abbodi1406 will post the Server 2008 SP2 x64 package, eventually. AFAIK, for NT 6.0 32bit, all hope is lost, as no test update was released for that.
All current ESU updates are listed here: ps, that rss feed gave you a notification for a 3 yr old 2017 dotnet preview rollup?