it created a .txt but the file is empty EDIT: i pasted that content into a .bat file and executed it with admin privileges but the file is still empty
It works perfectly! I really want to thank you guys for the excellent job you did! I have been always considering Windows 10 like a recycle bin and I will be able to go on with Windows 7. Thank you again.
I don't get it. I removed BypassESU v4, didn't install BypassESU v5, and windows update installed 3 new updates today! What's enabling it?!, KB4538483?
Thanks for answering my question, bro. The op sure says it very clearly that it's open source or free software. If it were a different website I'd say some nice words to you but I'll stop myself. I guess you were also one of those who told people who got errors when the first esus were released that they should shut up and read the op for nonexisting instructions.
Have installed BypassESU v5, and choose the first option which installs the full esu bypass. So far i can install updates manually from windows sites (i.e feb and march rollup), but windows update couldnt find these itself. Restarted computer after installing bypass. Did I do something wrong or whats up? Of course this isnt breathtaking problem since i can install all ESU updates manually, but of course would be most handy solution to have them via win update Already thanks in advance for possible answers and BIG thanks to OP and others for keeping our daily systems alive!
1. The advice is right on the money. 2. I didn't even realize i quoted you in my reply to @mynorgeek 3. There was info about the open source state, @abbodi1406 even replied to some questions about it, the project zip even contained the sourcecode at first. but that was to easy for msft to find. 4. i read your post before you edited it, noted the nice words of appreciation too
I also found that Bypass-v5 might not install correctly if you have 3rd party security apps installed, in this case it was OSarmor v1.43. With protection enabled in OSarmor, installed Bypass, rebooted, and WU could not find updates (even though Bypass looked like it installed okay). Had to uninstall Bypass, disable OSarmor, reinstall Bypass, then WU worked. So if you have OSarmor or similar security app, make sure to disable it first before installing Bypass.
None of them are ESU stage updates, alle normal updates are superseded or never installed by you. I asked if KB4538483 was installed, this is the update that enables WU to offer ESU updates, combined with v5. If KB4540688 installs, kb...069 will be installed when you've used v4 as intended, thereby the ESU patcher is installed.
I have used BypassESU-v5 a few days ago, everything went well, all updates installed, WU seems to be working (THANK YOU VERY MUCH GUYS!!). However, today I've received the full-screen notification from MS (Win 7 is not supported anymore...). Sure, I can just check "don't show again" button but I am wondering, is it how it's supposed to be? (The original version of the bypass was meant to fool MS that my computer is eligible for ESU). Thanks in advance.
Not all heroes wear capes. Almost switch to windows 10 when i found this thread. Saved me quite a headache.