I tried that solution but unfortunately it doesn’t work. Maybe Bypass is not active. Do you know how I can verify it?
What exactly the meaning of "it doesn't work" properly? Does Windows Update not perform automatic or manual searches.... or the same previous error persist when you search with WU? If Windows Update still doesn't work, with or without errors, after you have installed Bypass-v5, then you will need to go through the first post of this thread to find the mistake you made in Bypass installation. If Windows Update DOES work with previous error then you should look for the Microsoft tool that tries to automatically fix Windows Update errors: WindowsUpdate.diagcab for Windows 7
I've downloaded BypassESU-v5-AIO.7z and followed instructions in the readme file. There was nothing left to install in Windows Updates and I've verified I had all Prerequisite Updates installed. I deployed BypassESU and managed to seemingly successfully install every ESU update I was offered through Windows Update including latest KB4540688 (Monthly Rollup, March 2020) and KB4550735 (SSU, March 2020). Now I noticed that OP post lists slightly different Prerequisite Updates than readme file: it says I should have used KB4537829 (SSU, February 2020) instead of KB4536952 (SSU, January 2020). I checked my logs and KB4537829 was never installed on my machine and it's not offered to me through Windows Update. I am not sure but It looks like KB4537829 was superseded by KB4550735. Is it ok to use BypassESU with January SSU instead of February SSU? Does it affect anything in the long run?
Short answer, yes it's okay. In fact, I prefer installing BypassV5 on Jan 2020 SSU, because I've seen (small) problems with using Feb SSU such as Feb CU taking 30+ mins to finish reboot cycle. When I used Jan SSU to install BypassV5, applying Feb CU reboots within seconds.
It seems IE9 x86 is not blocked, and can be installed on Vista x86 (without ESU bypass) for x64 update, you can install the IE part of it with a workaround - start cmd as administrator - change location to the folder that contain msu file, example cd /d C:\updates - copy/paste and execute these commands (preferably one by one) Code: mkdir .\tmp expand.exe -f:*Windows*.cab *KB4540671-x64*.msu . >nul expand.exe -f:* *KB4540671-x64*.cab .\tmp >nul start /w PkgMgr.exe /ip /m:"%cd%\tmp\package_2_for_kb4540671~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~" /quiet /norestart start /w PkgMgr.exe /ip /m:"%cd%\tmp\package_3_for_kb4540671~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~" /quiet /norestart del /f /q *KB4540671-x64*.cab rd /s /q tmp restart you can do this with each new IE9 update, just make sure to specifiy the correct KB number and name for package_2_/package_3_
Of latest sle/slc DLLs. I don't think they match sources included in v4? As I understand BypassESU patches wuaueng DLL using bbe and hooks few Windows functions through sle/slc so there is not much else to share, I get it. Interesting. How does it work exactly? Does March Rollup somehow supersede/replace February Rollup? BTW thanks for all your insane work, guys, much appreciated.
I showed it supersedes the previous rollup. @Nazzy, that is one personal experience, has nothing to do with any of this and can't be used as advise for general use. Jan SSU is needed for Feb Updates, Feb SSU is needed for March updates, March SSU is needed for April updates, etcetc...