So @Enthousiast let me be clear on this, Are the IE11 updates included in the monthly rollup or do we have to get them from the catalog? And if not in there, why not?... Are we good to go when getting the monthly rollup over WU using the V5 patch or not? Also did Microsoft say that they will never make any more .net updates for Windows 7?
@Greg R Thanks for looking that up. Of course I like most people haven't used IE11 (as default browser) in 5 to 7 yrs but, we don't want it's security holes to allow the rodents of the internet to get into our system either, even if IE is not even running. I would uninstall IE, but old programs like a weather program I have, uses IE's downloader to obtain/refresh it's data... Although I do remember trying Chrome when it first came out back in 2008 & it was pretty crappy also, so it wasn't always fantastic either.
Windows 7 SP1 Ultimate with all updates until January 14, 2020 including Prerequisite Updates installed: KB3138612 (Windows Update Client) KB4474419 (SHA-2 code signing support, September 2019) KB4490628 (Servicing stack update, March 2019) KB4536952 (Extended Servicing stack update, January 2020) KB4538483 (ESU Licensing Preparation Package) Search Updates and it offers: KB890830 (Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool, March 2020) Install BypassESU-v5-AIO [1] Full Installation Reboot Search Updates and it offers: KB4537820 Cumulative Monthly Rollup (KB4537767 Internet Explorer 11 and KB4537813 Security Only) Reboot and it offers: KB4550738 SSU (Servicing Stack Update, April 2020) Reboot Search Updates and it offers: KB4550964 (Security Monthly Quality Rollup (KB4550905 Internet Explorer 11 and KB4550965 Security Only) Reboot and Finish OK
Windows 7 Ultimate x64 clean install on VirtualBox, updated until January 2020 Full installation of BypassESU-v5-AIO Manual installation of SS KB4550738 and CU KB4550964 (both downloaded from MU Catalog) Reboot and everything is ok ! - And for information, updates for Server 2008 still works on Vista without problems (tested SS KB4550737, CU KB4550951 and IE9 KB4550905 on VirtualBox Vista Ultimate x86)
Why am I not getting any April updates in Wu? In March he installed them normally. When I start By_pass online, the first time it gives me the error attached. Thank you
That seems to be the old lite edition (KB4528069-Lite). If you already received the previous ESU updates by WU, then v5 is already installed and KB4528069 also should be present.
Run v5 and show the screenshot of it. Run this in an elevated cmd and post the content of the generated txt file here, in code tags. Code: dism /online /get-Packages /format:table >"%userprofile%\Desktop\Packages.txt"
If I remember correctly (KB4550735) I installed it from WU and I installed the other two manually...(KB4541500) (KB4540688) I'll try to wait for tomorrow...