This is exactly how its inserted in my target box... C:\Users\Adam\Downloads\ndp48-kb4552921-x64_6912af0422fc16a14f4f398fda98117f1e2f01b8.exe /msioptions "ESU_LOCK=2D40812E-974C-4EA2-8DCC-63C992D505B9" When I click apply it has no problems, then I can run the update. Sorry don't know why yours will not work?
Maybe better copy and paste. There is a difference between / and \ You have to use the one "above" the 7 (on german keylayout)
Thought that maybe the case, but the original post had the '/' in there so though it was just a typo.
I'm adding my verification here; IT WORKS! I have no idea how, but it is the solution! Thank you vinzf!
For the path of the file C:\Your\folder... You have to use \ For options you have to use / like it is postet from @vinzf and @pesho_georgiev
"Software Update KB4552921 Installation Wizard does not apply, or is blocked by another condition on your computer." Anyone had this issue? Thx
Windows Update doesn't show it as installed. There is a little catch here. After you install the .NET update successfully via @vinzf's method, try to check for updates again and if it shows up the Servicing Stack update instead of the .NET update, then you know that everything is fine!
I agree, but many questions and posts are related to such missing knowledge. So from my point of view this thread could be at least 2500 posts shorter. I have been reading from 12.2020 all posts and till now the "problems" can be solved by following the instructions and especially the OP. And how often I have read from @Enthousiast "have you read/followed the instructions of the OP"... Never the less I think it is no solution to "not help" people who dont know or simlpy have a brainhanging (dont know how this is in english).
Hi. I'm getting the same error message as oldie...I copy and paste with the added space, and it says a file name can't contain any of the following characters...I tried backward and forward slash. It won't allow it to be put in the please...thanks!
Are you sure you added this in the Target Box with one space only? /msioptions "ESU_LOCK=2D40812E-974C-4EA2-8DCC-63C992D505B9"
Lisbeth, me myself had experienced the same thing, but thanks to vinzf's method I was able to install the .NET update successfully.